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Archive through August 03, 2006

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Test, Am I back?

Looks like my account is working again.....Thanks Bryan for the help.

Added a 582 to the stable last night. Met Kurt Fly-N-Squirrel Randall up north to pick it up. Pics later.
Chuck F.,

All's well at Kirk Engines, Inc web site. On the home front, had a computer failure and lost all of my customer's e-mail addresses and some other valuable stuff. Learned the lesson of backing up the hard way.

To soothe my savage emotions, I bought parts to build a new computer tower. Good excuse to do this...my old computer was seven years old making it rather stone-age.

While at the EAA Fly-In, I found a vendor selling neon clocks. I couldn't resist.
If you are on the forum the front page has been hacked have tried it for a while now and all it says it spykids over and over.
Lucas -

We're well aware of it. Not much anyone can do until someone from the hosting service takes care of it. Hope the Rev had a backup of his site
I think he's prolly headed to Sturgis...
Hi all,
Went to the Little G Expo on Fri. night and boy was that interesting!!!! I live about 50 mi. away and that was the first time to it. Went looking for some parts but I didn't find what I was looking for. I think that more cub guys showed up Sat. morning but we were well into doing sweet corn by then. I saw a red 1650 there, did IH factory paint some red ones or was this an owner makeover?
Well since Hugh decided he needed to go to Little G and pick up the loaders for me. He came by this morning to drop one off.
You really need a loader to unload a loader, but the 1450 drug it along just fine!

Charlie P. A neighbor about three blocks down put a loader out in his yard last week. I've been trying to get ahold of him out of curiosity. I know he wanted both arms and 1 1/2 legs for the MF12 and loader combo when he set them out two years ago. Angel would kill me if'n I got a loader. At least right now she would.
Charlie - Glad to help out!!! The kid has had a fun weekend with Daddy and getting and delivering tractor parts!!! In a few more years she can be the one driving so that I have more time to look for abandon cubs!!!
Its been a busy weekend. I decided to build new spindles for the loader. I almost blew another set of bearings while building the new car pad.
I stopped by Northern Tool and picked up the parts.



The tires are 1/2" taller than the stock tires. The stock tires rubbed the loader frame when turning and the new tires are worse. I decided to notch the frame. I should have done this a long time ago.

I built the spindles out of 3/8x2" flat stock. I wanted to use a 3/4" pin so I picked up some 3/4x6" grade 8 bolts. I cut the head off and the end of the threads to take advantage of the whole none threaded part of the bolt. I drilled a 1 1/4" hole in the flat stock for the spindle and welded it. I also welded the spindle to the bolt nut for extra strength. If it bends I'll weld gussets, but It looks beefy enough for me. I used an extra front axle I bought to mock up the spindles. It made the job allot easier.




After the paint dries I'll put it all back together.
I'm tellin ya it's that cockeyed side saddle loader causing your problems, LOL
I don't mean to be critical here, but did ya miss welding an edge or 4?
Maybe Kraig will post a pic or two of some bracing that you oughta do too.
Terry, nice mod! Please post some detail photos when you have it all back together.
Charlie, what bracing would that be? After Art A. and I repaired and reinforced the loader on my AC620, Mike M. said something to the effect of "now you'll find the next weak point". So far all has held well.
Charlie, are you referring to Terry's loader or his spindles as needing bracing? If it's the spindles here's some photos:


I think you are talking about the side plates on the spindles. Good catch. I did think about that issue but my spindles are for a narrow front. The spindle shaft on a narrow front is under the front axle. In order for my spindle to bend I would not only have to bend the 2x3/8 in flat stock but I would also have to bend the 3/4" spindle pin. However the spindle pin is threaded into the nut so I would have to shear the pin off. I illustrated what might happen on the wide front spindles. Drawing A is what it is suppose to look like and drawing B is what it looks like when you lift over 500 lbs. In drawing C I illustrated the welds in black. The "weak link" is the weld that's attaches the spindle shaft to the nut. I also show the forces that are applied. If this does fail I will weld in and extra piece of steel from the bottom plate of the non wheel end of the spindle shaft.

MARLIN H. - Yep, I bought a 982 almost 6 years ago. I don't run it much....but I can't keep SON off the thing. It had 26 hours on the replacement hour meter when I got it and it has 136 on it now. It's loaded, Cat. O 3-point, rear PTO, aux. front remotes, steering brakes.... Had a freshly rebuilt ONAN, all new paint, tires, dash, driveshaft...Just like a brand new 20 year old tractor when I bought it. The 50" deck mows nice too.

I'm trying to post Pictures of S/N 4740, as well as my recently acquired Haban 502-D Sickle Bar. Site keeps saying pictures are too large. Any Ideas? I'm not a Digital camera guy, and would love to share pictures with the group.

Mark, email your photos to me (my email address is in my profile) and I'll resize them and get them posted for you. Or you can resize them yourself, pictures have to be under 50KB to post and must be either jpg or gif format to post.