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Archive through April 27, 2009

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Matt G, Do you think it possible that my suspected tranny problem could be coming from a shift fork problem? I can not get it to shift into 1st or revrse. do I need to pull transmission to get the shift plate cover off?
Now that someone did a rain dance guess I'll have to decide which tractor I'm gonna get a mower deck on for mowing duty. So hard to decide which one should get the honor or maybe I need to go buy another cub just for that reason. LOL
I heard that you guys got 2+ inches yesterday and last night!
I got about 1/2" of snow this morning, does that count!

And they are callin for more on Thursday.

I kind of know where you are comming from.
I also have to decide which cub to mow with this year.

I will find out in a couple of weeks when the grass is tall enough to mow I guess.
Has anyone had to replace their cubs battery lately?


What a price increase compaired to the last time I had to purchase a new battery.
With 7 cubs that needs batteries, it might be time to thin out the heard a bit.
Might even lighten the gasoline bill each month also.
Lonny; I have bought four batteries so far and the 169 is ready for one. I get one or two years from a 300 cca Ever Start. However they are only 27.95 so that helps. I don't leave a charger on to maintain charge during non use winter months. I have two Enersis NP33 batteries that are 4 or 5 years old and still like a new battery. They will start the cubs when other batteries fail.
Lonny Buttke,

What is the story on this very cool looking Cub?


Looks like a farm tractor that was left in the dryer too long and shrunk.
Ok guys, I need some advice. I picked up an old set of ag tires on rims for my 129 for plowing and such. Rims fit but the valve stem is on the inside... no biggie. I picked up a mini tire changer since I figure I'll be swapping tires a few times. Well I am trying to break the old beads off the rim and I am pushing so hard I started to twist the center of the wheel. Eeeks! Is there something I can spray on it like PB Blaster that would help break the old bead? Doing it by force isnt working. Thanks a million I hope to be plowing the garden very soon!
KRAIG - SON was about 9-10 yrs old when He hit a cast iron pipe at full speed one night with His 129. Screwing around in the frt yard with no lights on. The front of the mule drive had an almost perfect half-circle round bend that matched the diameter of the pipe. Good thing the pipe, a vent for one of Our septic tanks wasn't a couple inches longer or it would have been the tractor's frame that got bent!

THANKS for the price updates on the welding gases. First steel prices went thru the roof now gas prices! Almost getting too expensive to turn scrap iron into something useful or repair My old JUNK.
Denny -

Do you remember if your son stayed seated, or ended up on the hood, or in front of it??
I beleive these two tractors belong to Jame's Taylor. Can you name a James Taylor song? What is unique about the 982 other than it use to be Yellow and white?


Let's see...I see power steering, a black frame, and exhaust out the side. Was it a 1572 or 1772?
Good morning my cub is at the Dr.'s today the starter generator is fried. could this be because of bad wiring.
CRAIG - Even though I was right there mowing when it happened I didn't actually SEE it happen but I kinda got the impression He ended up doing a Face Plant on the hood. We have about eight Mugo pines in front of Our house I was trimming around and SON was killing time running around the frt yard while I finished trimming. It's really dark outside and as I come around the one bush there's SON standing right in front of Me in the headlights with this "I'm going to catch #$%@ NOW" look on His face. I saw Him turn His lights off and shove the hydro lever full speed ahead just a moment before. We'd both mowed around that big cast iron pipe for about three-four years already, He knew it was there.
No broken bones, no blood, no missing teeth, the mule drive was straightened out and SON never played around in the dark on a CC anymore.
Denny -

Glad to hear there was no lasting damage, and that the lesson was learned. Even with the springs on the 42" blade enabled I've been jarred pretty good by finding the sidewalk slab buried under the ice and snow doing winter duty.
a song i like by James Taylor is "Handy Man". if i need to finish mowing the grass and its getting dark to where i need the lights....that means i worked late and the grass wont wait a nother day! hard to see where the mower deck is going,though....you could run the risk of catching it on something.
Bradley D.
I see your a teacher.
What do you do when one of your students don't pay attention or read the directions?

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