can someone look at pics of my engine, with the head off ,and tell me if i should do any work on it? besides scraping off the carbon.
this started out as quest to fix a stalling under load problem, and progressed to removing the engine, because there is no way to remove the front blower housing without removing the pulley, which cant be done in the tractor.
now that i have it all apart, i figure i might as well fix whatever else it might need.
so far, i found a huge mouse nest under the blower housing,blown head gasket, leaking carb bowl gasket and a broken stud lead on the coil.
im going to remove the pulley, housing and flywheel while i am at it.
can anyone think of anything else i should check?
i am going to cry, if after all this ,it still stalls under a load.
it is a Kohler K301A on on a 128.
i have more pics i could post here, and a video i could post somewhere and link to it, if you need to see more.
ok. lets see if i can figure out how to upload pics.
thanks everyone.