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Archive through April 20, 2009

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Tristan Stewart (Tstewart) my 129 will pull this trailer around full to overflow with 1.5 in rock .
my .02 later Don T


Print 8-1/2x11, tape together, and trace onto existing rolling cutter...should be the correct size.
I noticed those cat0 kits for cub cadets, the kit for narrow and wide frames are a little different. How different are they? Could I modify one and make it universal? Going against brotherly advice, I am now in the dilemma of having a wide and 2 narrow cubs. (I plan to trim my cubs down to 2, 1 of each!) Should I buy a wide frame one and eventually try to mount it on a narrow frame? They look 99% identical to me.

the kits are similar to:
tristan check the archive for april 9th and see what dennis frisk wrote as a testament to what they will pull.
Chris B.
You better listen to your older brother, he knows best.
Oh yea, did ya forget to take your meds today?
Hey Charlie I thought you shook grumpy out of his den?????????
well the weather here sucks today with rain and high winds. but we will have to mow grass soon.I hear Charlie still got snow on the ground lol
. I had plans of getting the 4 Cubs out of the 12x16 shed today as all charging is done for the cubs . i want to use the plow on the 100 but only have a hitch on my 149. so the 100 will pull my 3 piece disk with weight. i wonder if a 100 will pull all 3> lol have a great day. later Don T
I've pulled cars out of ditches, large boats on trailers from muddy lawns, logs out of lakes, w/ the 149 before.... Traction is the limitation... I use an 8x5 box trailer w/ mine to do utility work, the added tongue weight actually helps traction....

Here's a normal load for a 129... (4x7 with a load of oak)

I move my single axle v-nosed enclosed trailer (empty weight around 1400 lbs.) with the 129 all the time (with a load of about 1500 lbs in it). IH didn't build no tin toys..