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Archive through April 20, 2005

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Don't know if you saw it or not, but Tedd's goodie is on the 169.
Hmm, missed the keyword OAK.

Ours were pine. Terry - what's the density of yellow pine?

Terry B.

Thanks for the regulator lesson. I'll give it a try and let you know how it works.
Kraig- Wife just baked a big pan of the bars that you love so well. Should I send you some crubs so that you can pack them with each PD video that you ship???? LOL
Its about 2/3 the weight of oak. http://www.simetric.co.uk/si_wood.htm.
In all honesty you could move a 1800 lb load with a cub. The issue is the coefficient of friction. If you put wheels on the log the
coefficient of friction is about 0.15. So the log should take 270 lbs of force to move. If the log is on the ground then the coefficient of friction increases. I'm not sure what the coefficient of friction is for bark on dirt. But it is probably pretty high.

As far as answering the original question. You wouldn't break anything trying to drag the log. The only thing you might wreck is your lawn.
Hey Guys, I'm kinda glad that blade question came up. I have my 102 that I will start restoring soon, but for now it's pushing sand and levelling stuff, fun to use my favorite toy, But the blade frame constantly pops off the footplate rest rod, and never seems to lock in. I think the guy I bought it from has it hooked up wrong. Does anyone have any pics or diagrams or info on how the proper mounting is on the narrow frame?


P.S. How do I get to the the archives of this board?
Trevor - on the forum listing, go to The Vault

Terry, cool link! We were able to skid them with no real problems on an old truck hood.

Sometimes it took a sec or two to get traction (Usually aided by someone standing on the hitch). I doubt I could've done it on grass though.
Chuck, Terry, and Rich,
All those calculations, properties of wood densities, and traction values are making my head explode!
I don't care what kinda' log your trying to drag around, if has all kinds-o-cut off limbs, too much weight on the front, soft dirt conditions, or just plan isn't layin' the right way, it just won't budge. Put the calculator away, hook up the chain, and give 'er what she's got. I don't think you'll find the spec for log pullin' in the (for you Bryan)
manual. If you use some good judgement, you shouldn't break anything, after all these are Cub Cadet we're talking about.
Hugh, please send the whole pan full of bars, I'll make custom crumbs. :eek:)
Thanks for all the advice guys, I'll try and give it a shot, but if it doesn't work then I'll just hook it up to my dads truck.

Hey Rick, the lawn was already ruined by the previous owners. I don't think it was rolled once in 30 years. I've never seen anything like it, I'll probably have to take it down to dirt and re-grade the whole thing. Sure wish I had a blade for my cub.

See, that's what I like about Tom... "Just get off your butt and try it!"
Charlie, I'm already across the river. And yes I'll help load. <font size="-2">Don't tell B&B I wrote this but: Check yer mail.</font>
Anybody got a spec for what battery I'd ought to be putting into my 72? The one that was in it is an old snowmobile battery, it worked okay but I'm thinking its undersized at best. I'd pretty much planned on just measuring the space and filling it with battery but if somebody had a model number to start with that'd be great.
On the battery....yes measure the space and be sure you buy one that will fit.
for 6 years, I was using a "lawn and Garden" battery that advertised 360 CCA. It work ok. Last spring I needed to buy a replacement. Went to NAPA and all they had was 300 CCA rated. They said it should be ok, I bought it.
I think the 300CCA is alittle weaker than it should be. I have a 129 Hydro, so it takes a little more to spin it.
I was at a Cub dealer this week, he had 360 and 390 CCA batteries.
(I'm told that you can go to J*** D**** and get a 420 CCA battery.)
The 300 CCA will work but I think you would be more satisfied with a 360 or better.
Just my 2-cents
Curt... On my cc 70 I only use a 300cca battery and she will start good at -10 below ...I have no trouble getting it started now my 127 thats a hole different story it do't like cold weather... Need a heated garage ...just my 2cents worth...

Not to start the gear drive vs hydro debate again but gear drives will start easier than a hydro in cold weather due to the hydro having to turn over the hydrostatic pump which will be trying to move cold thick hy-tran. For better cold weather starting of a hydro get yourself a magnetic block heater and stick it to the back of the transmission for an hour or so. Once that hy-tran is warmed up the engine will spin over like it's August, well, more like it's May. :eek:) And a higher CCA rated battery always helps.

<FONT SIZE="-2">IMO, FWIW, YMMV, My $0.02, Yada, Yada, Yada...</FONT>
and now for something completely different

Has anyone designed a wood chipper to mount to the front of their cub?

My 125 has a 12 hp on it and that should power a chipper without bogging down.

What do you think of this "brain storm" ?

My Devilishly clever plan has Backfired.....
My Dad has retired so I told him in his travels about to look for lonely Cub Cadets along the way in need of a new home...He finally found some....
But has decided to keep the bounty for himself....





As you can see he has the "HA HA" smirk on his face...And yes that is a creeper handle on the 582...Both pieces have been in a barn for a LONG time and he's gonna get them running soon...I think I've created a monster...

(Message edited by krandall on April 22, 2005)

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