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Archive through April 17, 2004

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Well-known member
Oct 15, 2002
I figured I wold get the archive bug. Will repeat the thanks to Dave, family and freinds/helpers for a great day.

Travis did spend more than he sold since he had to dig out the check book.
A million thanks to Dave Ross&Company for a great sunny day. Also to everybody for lightening my load.
My wife got pretty burnt and my daughter had a blast,I think her favorite part was buzzing up to the concession stand with Dad....
Just back from dinner with Julie - had to pay her back for letting me go today

Big thanks to Dave R, who is no longer a "Plow Day Virgin"!!!

And I hope all is well after this morning's incident...
I left a little early from PD7, but enjoyed myself to at least hold me over for a little while. BIG thanks to Dave and the crew for getting us a little exposure to some nice thick Rock River valley soil. Got home early for a nap then went out for some prime rib. Good day!

Looks like from the latest news Travis's place had about a 10 or so mile close call with a tornado. Hope everything aroudn there is alright, I know I wouldn't like to come home and seeing everything in dissaray.
One more thing on the plowing, Steve hit the hot ticket for trouble-free plowing. I thought my notched coulter would do well, it did exactly what I thought it would, with the exception of one important detail. I had thought that a notched coulter alone would keep the coulter turning no matter what, THAT part seemed to hold true. What didn't happen was that the plow continued to plug, cutting the trash around the coulter wasn't enough. I ended up collecting a ball of cut trash that didn't clear well.

Where Steve's setup exceeds expectations is the simple spindle that the coulter's mounted on, there's not that "V" area beteween the bracket and coulter for trash to plug up, not to mention that the coulter's moved forward about 6-8 inches. The repositioned sleeve hitch connection on the plow also looks like it works well, no ill effects on the sleeve hitch adapter.

Needless to say I've got some work to do!
Just wanted to say thanks to Dave R,and everyone who made this PD possible. By the way I am no longer a PLOW DAY VIRGIN. It was also nice to finally talk to a lot of you guys.
Great Job Dave!!!!! You pulled off a really nice event!!!!

I think my family brought back enough dirt/dust (on EVERYTHING) to start our own little garden in the bed of the truck!!!!! (It was dusty out there!!!)

Thanks again for all of the time and effort!!!!
Thanks Wyatt,

The new rolling cutter exceeded my expectations in the stubble. I did slug it twice, once trying to plow under a ball of trash that lifted a tractor completely off the ground on the previous round, and once in some heavy trash on a combine tire ridge (coulter was barely touching the ground due to the angle). Otherwise, it was a trash eatin' machine.

Keith E's 129+ plow special is one eatin' machine too!!!!! It had plenty of power and probably could have stood to have a bigger "Anchor" hanging on back!!!!!!

Great news, a 782 and a 782D......best wishes throughout the whole process!!!!

Thanks again for hosting a great Plow Day. It's always fun to get together with fellow Cubbers. And getting to play in dirt..... it's the best.
Just ask Steve III.
Hey everybody!

PD7 was a blast! it was a first for Nick AND me, the 109 did great for bein' old-and-tired, the hitch didn't break (didn't even flex!), and we enjoyed every minute of it.

Also in list of firsts- got to meet a whole bunch of 'ya, and I got to try my hand at pulling the sled. My only disappointment is that whoever made that pulling track made it 25' too short for me... !!! Of course, Jim Bailey's 2182 is an impressive machine (ooh... the sound!)...

...but I've decided that the big Volvo 2-lung diesel will be a plow-and-pull machine... once Loader-Mutt is operational, LOOK OUT!

Kevin- please forward my most gracious thanks to your wife for having baby-sunscreen on hand... Nick managed to get little if any sunburn- I took the brunt of it, and fortunately had enough dirt caked on ot keep it from bein' too bad.

See 'yall at WFM!!!
Congrats on the "dual exhaust"!

Care to clue us in on the "morning incident"?

So I'm hearing that you had a good day, but where's the pictures?
Hello Guys,
I picked up this Original Wednesday night to be a "workin' girl".


Here she is ready to work.



Hey Keith- thanks for letting me use your yeller plow, and making sure it was all right for me... I would'n't've been able to figure it all by myself, especially with a 'helper' along.

Steve- thanks a bunch for helping me and everyone else with plow adjustments. Plow dynamics makes so much more sense now! It's been a great learning experience for me.

Last week, the notched coulter thing didn't quite all hit home, but now it does... after having Keith's yellow plow bunch up on me once, I understand where the 'trash' goes. Considering the toughness of the trash, it seems to me that regardless of the coulter's shape, they're very challenged to actually 'cut' through... it's tough stuff. Even if there was a 'shear' action (two coulters on overlapping chord like a big steel mill shear?) seems like that stuff'd survive it well enough to get through and wrap around the coulter. Perhaps replacing the coulter with a CO2 laser? :)

But I've decided on the next project tractor- it'll be the 2cyl diesel in a stretched 149 frame, for pullin' plows and sleds... that was just too much fun!
I think Diode pumped Laser would work better. It would be lighter and have better power conversion. You will still need a water spayer for the back of the plow so you can put out tha burning trash piles.

Man I wish I would have remembered to put a disk in my camera!!
No body had a floppy that I asked
. I did remember to charge the battery though. Next time.
Mr Updike,
Cubgradulations on the small ones. Man, two at a time, you da man!!

(Message edited by till on April 18, 2004)
Had a great time stirring up the dust and plowing.Great job Dave for short notice.Hope to see you at Steves plowday this fall.
Okay, Tedd... I've got a very ILL idea for 'ya...

... put a 'trash presence detector' (TPD) at the plow throat. Also install a nozzle, and hang a 20lb propane can out in front, plumb a soft line back to the plow throat. set up the nozzle with a pilot-burner and a full-bore burner (steal one from a hot-air balloon) and rig a heat-shield on the coulter bracket, putting a 3' wide x 5' tall between the operator and the coulter.

As you plow, and trash builds up, the TPD activates the main burner valve, and incinerates the 'trash', leaving nothing but ashes, which nicely mix into the turning soil...

Hey- any good 'tricks' to make the installation/removal process for a 127 driveshaft 'easier'?

Yeah, Steve, I know... 'get a wide-frame and take the tunnel cover off'... mebbie I'll MAKE a tunnel-cover to fit the 127... :-}
Hello everyone. Just to brake the Ice. My name is Paul England, I live in Arkansas, I am a new member to this forum. Hope to read and maybe even talk to some of you. I own a cub cidet 682 It is my first Cub to own. my father owned one also, as this is why I bought my cub.
Dave K2-

Not sure what anyone else thinks about this, but I find the easiest way to remove a driveshaft from a narrow frame is to remove the engine, drain out the gas tank,find yourself a strong helper and VERY CAREFULLY turn the tractor onto it's side. Put a wood block under the grille casting on the side you're laying it on. Let me say again be VERY CAREFUL. This could be kind of dangerous but I just did that with a 100 and it makes it easier.

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