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Archive through April 16, 2006

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Bruce N

The only problems I have had with that style of starter was with the throw out part, once there was wire or debris wraped around the spring, removal and some sort of Dry Lube(graphite) helped a lot. This doesn't sound like your problem, but you still might need to check.

Merton C. good to see someone from the East.

Bruce N
Look on this page of the archives
on Monday, January 10, 2005 - 08:25 am, and then further down that page.
I think the wide frames and newer use about the same set up. I bought a spring and then made my own rod and brackets, based on this info.
It might help you.

(Message edited by jhillegass on April 23, 2006)

(Message edited by jhillegass on April 23, 2006)
isn't just a little creepy that that link on the spring was posted by another bruce?
Okay, I thought it could be my eyes or the lack of enough caffeine this morning, but this place sure looks different today. What's up?
no... kinda twilight zone-ish..

As for the site, it is pretty quiet, which I believe is normal after a plowday...

(Message edited by stanner on April 24, 2006)
Maybe it's my settings, but I don't think so. The main bodies of text in the posts and the sponsor link areas look the same, but the rest of it has a larger font size, maybe a different font.
STEVE B. - '76 Gremlin, Yes they were cute.... Kinda like a '76 Hornet that the scrap metal guillotine shear missed and only sheared the trunk off....
Or a Hornet that was the Big Loser in a demolition derby. I always liked the Gremlin more than it's replacement..... The PACER..... I'm sure glad the asymmetrical car never caught on... Is there any wonder why there's so many 20 year old City Parks in Kenosha?

ANYHOW....I understand progress on turning the old IHC plants in E.Moline & Rock Island into parks is going kinda slow.....Maybe We should sponsor a Cub Cadet Demolition Day....100 Cubbies show up with loaders & blades.....
Hmmm, one of the first cars I got to drive around was a purple 1972 AMC Hornet "Sportabout" wagon that my parents bought for my sisters and I to drive.
Having gone to school for four years in Kenosha in the early 70's I REALLY wanted a Javelin for My first car. After I graduated My Best friend had an AMX that was pretty neat. 360 V-8, 4 bbl, 4-speed. Actually, If You get on the "Truck Side" of IHC there was actually some sharing of parts & stuff between IHC and AMC. But unfortunately or maybe Fortunately Nothing was shared between AMC and the Cub Cadets.
My manual is a bit brief- what oil should I run in engine and rear end of my 122? (30 weight engine oil in tranny?) Dave
David, yep that's what the manual says, "SAE 30", that or "Hy-Tran". Hy-Tran would be the better choice.

That '76 Gremlin I had was a POS, but for $300 it was a 16 year old's dream...A CAR!!!! 258 2bbl straight 6, 727 automatic, PS, manual brakes. Dang thing ate an exhaust manifold every 30K miles.....got good at swapping them for junkyard parts (out of Jeeps, Matadors, Hornets, whatever). Took my wife on our first date in it...not sure what that says about her taste in men or cars, but oh well??????

That '76 Gremlin I had was a POS, but for $300 it was a 16 year old's dream...A CAR!!!! 258 2bbl straight 6, 727 automatic, PS, manual brakes. Dang thing ate an exhaust manifold every 30K miles.....got good at swapping them for junkyard parts (out of Jeeps, Matadors, Hornets, whatever). Took my wife on our first date in it...not sure what that says about her taste in men or cars, but oh well??????
I think I've got my following the 2 Steve's solved.
These on the back and some 18's on the front and I'll be ready!

CHARLIE - Are those 23-10.50's or 26-12.00's? I like the close spaced lugs. The Firestones I put on the 982 have 4 or 6 fewer lugs per tire than My 23-8.50's have and I think that's part of the reason they don't grip as good as the 8.50's do. It may be the fact the 982 has twice the HP of the 72 but I doubt it.... the 72 weighs almost as much as the 982 plus the 72 transfers weight better.
STEVE - Dad had a '66 Chevy IMPALA 4-door sedan with a 250-6 cyl. and Powerglide I drove for a couple months.... Car would run 60 in low and about 70 in drive.... It would eat exh. manifold gaskets frequently also....That wasn't just an AMC thing. Actually, He had a '65 Impala exactly like the '66 except for color, and a '66 Buick Skylark 4-door coupe with 198 cid V-6 & Powerglide. I actually liked that Buick...Still didn't run but it didn't burn near the gas the Chevy's did and that odd-fire V-6 sounded cool.
Denny...don't be "dissin" the SGT's. The Landshark 982 I ran at the Iowa P.D. with either a full or half rack of front weights and NO rear weights or fluid and did suprisingly well. Now that the starter is fixed, its time to do some Rail Road work with it.

I thought for having an "unbalanced" tractor it did well. Once its dialed in.......stay out of my way!

Pictures posting later of the new CC that goes ZOOM ZOOM!!!

(Message edited by KUPDIKE on April 25, 2006)
They are 26x12's.
I was debating on which wheels to use with these tires, maybe it won't make much difference but!
The black one is 9 1/2" wide inside bead to bead.
The white one is 10 1/4" bead to bead.

The tires measure 9 1/4" outside bead to bead.

Any thoughts or suggestions?
Oh yea,
The white one has a 2 1/2" offset and the black one is 3 1/2".

(Message edited by Cproctor on April 25, 2006)
I have repainted the dash tin on the 149 that I have been wortking on. I am thinking of using the replacment sticker (for the dash tin) to relable the worn off (now painted over) markings. Any thoughts? I will try to post a photo tonight of the repainted tin. The re-paint looks sharp!!