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Archive through April 15, 2011

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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johnny a daniels

A little slow, power steering will cut down on the hydraulic pressure you have from the hydro pump along with front port usage. Did you test the pump to see what your putting out for pressure ? I find a little higher rps are needed to run my ports when I`am using them so they don`t get slow.You could adjust up the pressure if its not at speck.

No Cub running today , Rain and wind is all we had all day

If you put 12" front wheels on, I doubt you will be able to steer very much because they'll hit the frame. That a very radical size increase.
I'm in the camp that says weight up front when tilling helps steering. I've tried ag tires and tri-ribs but weight helped the most. The tiller pushes the tractor stright ahead kind of like diff-lock would. I'm talking of second and subsequent passes when the dirt is loose. Go with the weights and 50# sounds good for your 682. I went for more ground clearence than your drawing shows and added a 34# block of iron on my 109. It's removable with two bolts leaving a "bumper".

havent check any pres. what would max. be ,can it be checked at front ports.is shiming the releif valve the way to ajust pres.
Matt... I figure The hub conversion will make the track wider and depending on the offset which I havent calculated out yet... a little reduction is steering is ok too. And that size isnt by any means set in stone it was just one example.

So this is a radical increase in size... just exactly what size is it? Thats what I am trying to figure out... the deestone specs arent very complete.

I know I have seen a 1x2/3 here before with 10 or 12" front rims... dont know what tires it had, can't find it.

<blockquote><hr size=0><!-quote-!><font size=1>quote:</font>

By Matt Gonitzke (Mgonitzke) on Sunday, April 17, 2011 - 12:33 pm:


If you put 12" front wheels on, I doubt you will be able to steer very much because they'll hit the frame. That a very radical size increase.<!-/quote-!><hr size=0></blockquote>
Guess I cant add pics into a previous message under edit so here is some I found using different search terms, not the one I remember but kind of what I am after...


Yes, I agree I need to do something about the front tires. I don't think I'm ready to change the rims, but I am looking for some cool rib tires.
Can anyone show some pics of some tri-ribs for the 982 or other suggestions? I'm kinda like the ags on the front, but it doesn't make any sense if it's not a 4x4. So the ags are out of the question. Show me some pics!!