BRIAN LANASA - On Your broken lift lever latch...I had the same problem a couple years ago... The repair works best of You have an acetylene torch available....a propane torch may be able to heat the bend on the bottom of the lift lever enough. But You need to straighten out the bend on the bottom of the lever so the rod slides out thru the top. Then remove the threaded portion You can't get Your vicegrips on then clean & lube everything up, maybe even replace the spring and reinstall everything from the top, then reheat & rebend the bottom of the latch rod. I had the same problem with My 72 about 4 yrs ago and this is the only way I could fix it right....and I tried about 3-4 other ways with less than satisfactory results.
Well, while Some of You Guys were building SNOWMEN
and plowing....I got My 72 back somewhat least it looks like a tractor again....maybe next weekend I'll get it running. Then the 70 comes all apart for a Restoration! as a 100.
Well, while Some of You Guys were building SNOWMEN