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Archive through April 06, 2019

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Well-known member
IHCC Supporter
Aug 27, 2006
Gerry Ide
Aaron Wilson - glad you got it fixed, I'm still a little puzzled.. The wiring diagram I looked at doesn't show any ground for the stator coils, it's just a bunch of coils in series with the two end leads connected to a solid state VR, with DC output and the VR case ground providing the DC charge. Dirt or corrosion on the stator wouldn't affect the way the system works, UNLESS the stator actually is supposed to have a ground (which corrosion could affect).

edit... Now, looking at the 1250 diagram, I see it doesn't show a ground on either the stator or the VR (got to be one someplace) . For my own sanity, can someone clarify? Advise I was giving Aaron was at least partially based on that drawing, and the one for the next series up (which shows the stator "floating" above ground and the VR case grounded..

The Onan surges because it is running out of fuel put a Facet elect pump in place of the vacuum fuel pump lightly fuse it off the wire feeding the hour meter and clean the carb .
David, The Mule drive I have on there is from my 38" deck. I downloaded the owners manual but it didnt seem to help much.
Gerry, I believe the Stator grounds its self to the bearing plate. But I'm no expert on this electrical stuff my self. My wiring diagram dont show ground to the rectifier or the stator. But if I remember correctly those "ear things" I cleaned up are grounded.
Aaron W on tiller belt if the pulleys are lined up correctly then check for extra twist in the belt. Or chalk an arrow on it and take off and reverse the direction to see if it tracks better.
Not a good cub day today. Topped off the oil and fuel in the 109 and fired her for the first time this spring. Started leveling off the driveway from the ruts of the spring thaw. Did this for about 30 minutes and then all of a sudden she quite running. Cranked her over and no compression. Pulled it to the garage and let her cool off. I was hoping the valve had just stuck but after taking off the head, the piston is not connected to the crankshaft. Now comes the decisions. 109 needs complete overhaul. 129 needs new piston and rings. 106 needs teaser spring in clutch and new roll pin in the driveshaft. And the 1650 still needs the cracked head replaced. Tax return is in the bank so which one gets the money first.
Cub Cadet wiring diagram book shows the regulator (rectifier) grounded. Looking at mine the case of the rectifier is metal and screws to the blower housing. That’s probably the ground for the system
Wes-Seems a head and gasket for the 1650 is the quickest of all the issues at hand. Clutch work on the narrow frame is a little more challenging but sounds like that would be second.
Kendal, By reversing the belt do you mean V rib facing out of the pulley?
Does anyone have a cross reference for Napa for starter/generator brushes for a 70?with the delco remy
Aaron- Kendal means reverse the belt so it runs in the opposite direction. You still want the vee sitting in the pulleys the way it's supposed to.

Thanks for the link on the manifold repair. I already have it apart and have holes drilled in the areas where they were pinged over. Once it was a part; I think I can see where it was leaking. There was some discoloration and corrosion in the area.

Michael, I did put a new replacement pump vacuum pump on this last summer. Since you said this, it makes sense since with the air cleaner off I could see fuel spraying in the throat and then no fuel when it started to hunt and surge, then there would be fuel and no fuel again. Since I have it apart I had checked the valve clearances and made adjustments. Both exhaust valves only had about .007 of clearance and one intake valve on the right side needed to have the tappet adjust about .002". Once this is back together and I still have hunting and surging I will defiantly update the group on what I find.


Hello everyone,

Is there any topic about maintenance? Or is there someone who has the maintenance book of a 782 (kohler KT17 series II) digital?
Brian Jordan, welcome back! Back in the early days of the forum I used to save a screen capture of new forum members profile photo (sometimes I would save multiple screen captures if people changed their photo and I noticed) and later their entire profile page. I saved these from your profile page. The date on the first file is December 19, 2000.


The date on this one is January 9, 2003.

Kraig - Funny about those pictures. I remember this particular shot in the higher priority pics that would be displayed in a Google image search of 'Cub Cadet 149' for almost 5 years (not so much in the past few years). But there was an incident where it was being advertised for sale on a popular bidding site from someone overseas asking for money to be Western Unioned for payment. In fact, someone from this forum alerted me to it. I finally got that one stopped after several emails back and for with their customer support.

This one still shows in an image search as a cut-out and plastered on T-shirts, key fobs, and refrigerator magnets.


No one asked me and I get nothing for it

So many members here I don't know yet but reading through the posts.

Brian, interesting info on the photo. I had to try the google image search, and sure enough, there it was.

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