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Animals other than dogs and cats

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Had another batch of kids
2 girls 1 black and white and the other is gray, and the boy is white.




and momma

Scott: He never tells us what "it" is: I'm thinking ground hog.

Jeff: The kids look so cute, especially the black & white female. Momma looks so proud!

I've been watching a herd of about twenty goats on my way to work each day. Around here they're mostly raised for their meat (some folks think goat makes the best Bar-B-Que). I would rather use goat's milk to make cheese, which is quite special.
Went and got fuel for the hay burners a couple of weekend ago, it made Pepper the mini donkey happy

Doug I will be doing the same next week, cuurently getting small sqaures of grass hay for 3.50 a bale but it is averaging 4.00 a bale and 6 plus for alfalfa hay
Hay seems cheaper back your way. We paid $5 per bale for local. we've used the same people for a couple years now. The first year we ran out and bought from another guy during the winter. He showed up late where the hay was stored, didn't say a word, tossed the bales down, grunted something when we handed him the money and drove off. The hay was heavy and full of weeds
Doug the summer of 2013 small alfalfa was as high as 12 bucks for a 45 to 55 pounder
Maybe this should go under good eats.
We went to breakfast sat. with all the kids. At the end we had the waitress put the left over in a doggie? box to take home. When the mini's saw we were handing out treats they had to get some too


They really liked the toast
Charlie, Pileated Wood peckers are cool! I have a bunch around here and yes they sure go through the suet. Great photo.

Cool pic Charlie. If I had to pick a bird as my favorite it would be this bird. I have a pair around my house and it seems you always hear them before you see them. Any woodpecker as big as a crow has to be cool.

I need to get a suet feeder.
Pileated Woodpeckers - AWESOME! I had one fly right over me during deer hunting this year, it landed 100 feet from me and made a ton of noise. Certainly the highlight of my deer hunting this year!

I also did see 1 whitetail, I'm certain it was part of a whetetail deer. But it was gone in a flash.
Loved the pics of all the new little ones Jeff.

Charlie and Vincent, how cool you have Pialeted Woodpecks to enjoy. Great pics.! the other day I went for a walk, and I heard a Chickadee singling and I was so shocked and even more so elated to hear the little winged one singing. We have lived here for 8 years and it was the first day that I have ever heard a Chickadee here. I hope it stays around.

I guess I could have put this one in the "cats" thread but...


Graygirl brought this up yesterday. She was so proud.
Wayne, tell Graygirl "Way to go!" for me. I love it when my cats get moles.