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I have several small bore CZs. 452 and 455, both excellent rifles. The 527 has always appealed to me.....nice looking rifle you have there!
My trophy wall is getting full so this year I'm going with a European mount.




Keith, that is one nice game room! I like the European mount.
Kraig, He's been fairly regular, but until Saturday he laid low during the day and only came out in the dark of night.

Folks down the way have trail camera footage of him, but I was the first to get video during daylight.
Wyatt, are there any open seasons there? Bow season is open in a few areas in Wisconsin until Jan 31st. Are antler traps and/or feeding deer legal in SD? If so, you could build a simple antler trap to attempt to get his antlers when he sheds them. Google "antler trap" for ideas...
Charlie, if you look at the previous two archive pages you can see the photos of him that I posted last fall. Looks like his antlers gained a little more mass since last year, and possibly a tiny bit more width and height.
Shultzie, thanks! I plan on bow hunting this evening. Been out twice so far. First time out nothing but squirrels and small birds. Second time out, lots of squirrels, one was hauling, from an adjacent corn field, a short cob of corn across the food plot when six wild turkeys came running in. One of the turkeys chased after the squirrel for a few yards until the squirrel turned and then stood his ground. Was very fun to watch. A short while later a small buck came in behind me but never came into the food plot. I would have let him walk anyway. I think it was of these two, most likely the one on the right.


BTW, the black plastic container recessed into the ground is for water. Water draws wildlife like a magnet.