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2185 oil problem

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Active member
Apr 21, 2010
Joe Bowman
Ok I have a Cub Cadet 2185 with a Kohler Command 18HP and yesterday started it up to do some small yard waste moving everything was fine at first stopped for a second shut it down to do something for a sec. got back on started it back up and no oil pressure. I have a actual oil pressure gauge on my tractor and it normally runs around 25 psi. So I took the old sending unit that came with the engine put it back on and my low oil pressure light is on as well, so I took that off and left the oil passage open to see if I have any oil moving and started for a sec and oil shot out about 8 inches above the engine so put it back together and tried again with both manual gauge and sending unit with no luck. also with it running I opened the oil cap and I can see oil moving around in the valve cover and on the rocker arms and oil covers my palm if i put it over the hole. I'm leaning towards the oil pump o-rings may have wore out and just not allowing it to hold any real pressure, so if someone could help shed a little light on my problem I would appreciate it thanks in advance.
That is a unique one. I am very curious as to what you'll find so please keep us posted.

Since you will need to remove the engine closure plate, or front cover, you will be able to see into the crankcase. At the flywheel end of the block, near the cam bearing is a small "freeze" plug, or expansion cup plug. That likely blew out causing your engine issue. It was staked in 3 places, but on a rare occasion they will still find a way to escape. That is where I'd begin.
Thanks Jim for the reply on the freeze plug you are talking about if that where to fail wouldn't oil be seeping from the back of the block or is it an internal plug just asking cause this cub is my first with a pressurized oiling system and I really don't want to replace the engine cause its still plenty of life and power in it only has around 500hrs on the cub.
Sorry for double posting but I may have just came across some info on my problem after many hrs of searching tonight online I found out the oil pump has a pressure relief valve that release pressure if it gets to high and I suspect that it is stuck in the open position and isn't allowing the pressure to rise up fully.

The plug I referred to is an internal plug for machining the oil galley. While part, double check that as well. It is strange to have the relief valve stuck open, but anything is possible.
well found the problem just now a rocker arm bolt loosed up causing a push rod to bend an come out and the lifter moved out of the bore causing me to loose oil prsure no problems on the inside other than one bend push rod so im going to straighten it out put it back together just to test and see if i have oil pressure a and if so ill have to speend a few bucks on a new push rod.
well found out some more bad news today I was getting ready to clean then engine up before putting it back in the tractor and had the rear air deflector off and for some reason I decided to spin the engine over and started hearing this hissing noise found out the head gasket on cylinder 1 is also blown so now i have to replace it as well lol so this weekend I will know if I have fixed everything with my engine and will post if if everything is fixed
Well today put the new head gasket on along with new push rods for that head and all problems are now fixed tractor is running good once again thanks for all the help.