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2135 overheating???

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Jun 17, 2014
Michael Machesney
I have a 2135 that runs fine and then stalls after about 1/2 hour. I wait a while and it starts up again. Is it overheating and if so what can I do?
One easy thing to try would leave the gas cap loose. Most of these have a vent hole in the cap, and if that hole gets plugged, no air can get into the tank to replace the fuel that has left, causing a slight vacuum in the tank, and not allowing the fuel to flow to the carb. Once it sits, air may seep in and allow fuel to flow again.

I have also seen a coil and or condenser failing when they get "hot". Engine gets to running temp, and the component warms up. When it gets to a certain point getting warm, the component fails and the engine dies. While it sits, the component cools off and will start working again until it gets hot again. These are just a couple quick things I have seen personally.
Michael: Scott has identified two of the most likely culprits. Another cause is a stuck valve, usually the exhaust, and for the same reason, it gets hot and sticks; cools off and works free. You can tell if it is the valve if the engine seems to turn over faster than usual (there is a loss of compression with the valve stuck open).

Good luck.
A third possibility that just came to mind. If this tractor has a fuel pump, it may also be a fuel pump failing. I had one once, that was a 15HP Kohler in an off topic lawn mower that after a period of time, the tractor just died, would crank but not fire. Let it set for a while and it would start and run again..... maybe the rest of the day, maybe 5 minutes. The owner bought a new lawn tractor and said here you can just have this one. $45 later for a new fuel pump, problem was solved. I no longer have the mower, as I got rid of it when I got my Cub, but last I knew, it was still running fine.
A quick test for the fuel pump would be to see if it will fire back up after dies using gas or ether in the carb... If it runs its a gas problem. If not.... Keep digging.

My vote is a sticking valve.
Most likely suspect is the ignition module (cd ign. unit)These were known to have that symptom after awhile. Gets warm and shuts down, let it cool and it works fine. That is where I would look first.