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2016 Blunier Fall Plow Day - Roanoke, IL - 10/29/16

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Hey Dave S--whatcha bringing for tractors to Bluniers this year?
Planned on the 882 and the 1200
The 126 may just hitch a ride as well, just for the heck of it.
The 882 is down at present waiting on a water pump. CAR QUEST said it would be next week sometime before they could get one in, so I still have a few days.

You folks gonna camp out again?
I'll have my rig there for sure, so if Ya need a microwave or hot water, just holler! We just got home yesterday from a 7 day trip to MO.

Kinda want to bring the 2182/60" Haban along as well w/a FOR SALE sign hung around it's neck. Suppose I should put a FS add in the classifieds for it.
Hopefully you can get the "smoker" back up and rolling before PD! That thing is always fun to watch working. Honestly, I'd love to check out that 126 in person. That is a rare bird for sure.
Well, 4" of rain last week put a "damper" on getting the beans off, but we will get them done before PD!!!!!
PD Rules:

1. SAFETY FIRST!!! Only operate your tractor in designated areas and in a safe, controlled manner. To reduce the risk of injury to both participants and spectators, it is ultimately the obligation of each participant / operator to ensure that his/her conduct and equipment are operated safely and carefully. The ruling and/or judgment of the HOSTS will be final.
2. All participants / operators must register prior to taking part in plowing activities, or before operating equipment on the grounds. Only registered operators / participants will be allowed to operate equipment. Parent/Legal Guardian will be directly responsible for operators under 16. DIRECT parental supervision of younger operators is expected.
3. Do not refuel a HOT tractor. Practice caution during your fueling and repair activities. The HOSTS encourage all participants / operators to include a fire extinguisher in their tool kit.
4. Machine repairs are to be performed in the designated pit/staging area. Operators / participants are expected to follow all common and typical safe practices associated with the use of hand tools and automotive/machine repair. Do not try performing any repairs in the field.
5. Remove the ignition key and set the brake when you are not operating or near your tractor.
6. No hooking multiple tractors together. If a tractor becomes stuck or immobile, contact the HOSTS for assistance.
7. The operator / participant agrees to indemnify and to hold the HOSTS (Steve Blunier Family and agents) harmless for any costs incurred by the participation in this event as a result of the failure of the participant to comply with the procedures and postscriptions provided for herein.
8. BE CAREFULL! Be aware of your surroundings and spectators around you. The HOSTS (Steve Blunier Family and agents) are not responsible for injuries to yourself or damage to your machine due to your participation. You have registered for this event of your own free will and are required to follow all safety rules.
9. Speed Limit: All equipment is to be operated at a walking pace (less than 5 mph or second gear) when not actively engaged in fieldwork.
10. Do not enter any farm buildings and use great caution around parked farm equipment. Do not approach, climb on, or attempt to operate any farm equipment.
11. ALL IN ATTENDANCE, including operators, participants, vendors, support staff, spectators, and general public agree to indemnify the HOSTS (Steve Blunier Family and agents) harmless for personal injuries or personal property damage as a result of your attendance at this event. NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENTS; LOST, DAMAGED, OR STOLEN PROPERTY
12. Your registration indicates that you have read, understand, and will comply with the rules listed above.
13. Have fun and enjoy yourself!




Red = Headland
Green = Parade Lap
Black = Friday Night Plowing
Blue = General Plowing
Please do not plow through waterways.

Yellow = Off Limits - stay out
Light Green = Parking
Dark green = Concessions - Services
Red = Pit/Staging
Purple - Vendor
Blue = Display
Local 4-H club will operate food stand on Saturday.

Porta Potty will be located near corn crib on east side of buildings.

Overnight camping in west parking area allowed, (obviously no hook ups).

Friday evening plowing to begin ~4:00PM with chili / crackers & cheese plus pot luck to follow at ~8:30PM Feel free to bring along something to add to the pot luck if you'd like.

Saturday morning plowing to begin after 8:00AM and run to ~2:00PM


Door Prizes at 12:00 Noon (Tickets at Registration Table)

Parade Lap (all tractors single file just east of buildings) will immediately follow door prizes. This is a great photo/video opportunity for spectators, as we usually have 50 to 80 garden tractors in the same furrow all at once!!!!
The following address, typed EXACTLY as shown, will provide an accurate location of the farm in Google Maps....

1582 county road 1300 N Roanoke, IL

As usual Steve--everything looks to be in order and well organized. It's almost like you've done this before
. Now hopefully the weather will straighten out. I'm spoiled because 2014 was so nice. I know there have been plenty of years with lousy weather too. It will be interesting to see what 2016 brings. We've had a lot of moisture up here in the last month. I know the Stertz's are getting excited to come down! 18 days to go...
Corey Melchert and myself are planning on heading over early AM Saturday.
I should have my tractor blown up by 8am and call it a day......no wait.....that was the last plow day!
Super 8 in ElPaso is where I stayed 2 years ago.
Good breakfast restaurant just across the street form it too!
Just off I-39/US51
I'm bringing my camper this year though.
Washington, ElPaso, East Peoria all have hotel options.
Beans are all off the field.......it was a bit ugly in a few places, but we were able to get them off between rains early this week. Collapsed field tile left a nice water hole we had to cut around, but didn't sacrifice too many beans. I may have to run the disk over a few ruts.....hate to lose a round fender Deere in one.....

Last week's beating 4" rain pushed the tall stemmed beans down in all different directions, making clean cutting a challenge, but the 38 year old combine and platform did a respectable job for the conditions.
Rick--look forward to seeing both you and Corey again this year. I sure hope that the Turbo Smoker is ready to roll this year. I'll make sure not to jinx it by videoing it until we know it's all good. Speaking of which, there has been a fair amount of activity on the BPD IX videos that I shot in 2014 posted on YouTube. I was watching the one where you are plowing on your 148. Do you still have that tractor? Make sure you tell Corey that I'm looking forward to seeing him again too unless he is
around here in the shadows like I end up doing sometimes. I guess I'd define myself more as a
forum drifter based on my crazy schedule at times. That's one of the many reasons that I like these plow days. Great time to catch up with you guys in person!
El paso it is! Thanks for the reference Dave!
I look forward to events such as this too. I'm pretty sure 3 passes and I'd have the house in a middle of a field! I'm going to make sure I set my plow better before I get there, I know it was off at buck creek last year.
I think I can squeeze 4 on the 16 foot trailer, f150 will be working this trip!
Its also a great reason to have more than one tractor!
Plow with a hydro then GD?! No problem!!
I'm SO looking forward to this terrific event again this year...Steve B and his crew are amazing! It's always great seeing everyone...my stepdad and I will be attending, as usual, with my 73 and 100!