Bought at auction last week,I was excited it had good comp.A model"y" most had kick start,this shows no sign the kicker was mounted..P.O. plugged carb throat with small rubber tube so it was in great shape.Carbs are a huge issue on most of the old ones.The early models do not have a typical bolt on flange and are in short supply.There are guys who strip these engines and sell parts.I'm the guy who wants to save it in running condition..I was soooo lucky !Original Firestone spark plug and cleaning the points and the plug and I had good blue stuff. Of course you have to remove flywheel to get to all the elec..That came pretty easy as well...A short shot of carb cleaner and a happy moment came after a couple pulls.This 1/2 hp doesn't pull too hard...An old wm tank and new copper tube and wow do these little ones run quiet..After running several minutes the urge to repaint came around..Wire brush ,sandpaper and steel wool,the effort came out pretty good.Prattico will like this...Never run out of projects just stencil ordered...btw it's international red..