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IH Cub Cadet Forum

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  1. M

    Archive through September 12, 2010

    I'm trying to increase my center blade speed on a 42" deck. Can someone give me the part number that replaces pulley part #473433R92 with a smaller diameter pulley? Thanks for any help.
  2. M

    42" spindles on a 48" deck - need help

    Thanks Myron B. I re-posted on the GT thread. I hope I can solve this. I have to go over my lawn several times and it still doesn't look right.
  3. M

    Archive through September 03, 2010

    Hello all, I'm new to this forum but have owned my 127 for 32 years. My 48" (ID# 482U1116) deck needed spindles as the originals pulleys were shot and I could not find replacements for the outer 2. I found some rebuilt spindles for a 42" and got them mounted but the center blade speed is way...
  4. M

    42" spindles on a 48" deck - need help

    Hello all, I'm new to this forum but have owned my 127 for 32 years. My 48" (ID# 482U1116) deck needed spindles as the originals pulleys were shot and I could not find replacements for the outer 2. I found some rebuilt spindles for a 42" and got them mounted but the center blade speed is way...
  5. M

    Archive through August 22, 2010

    I'm looking for a smaller pulley for a 42" deck. Any info is appreciated. Thanks 1969 127
  6. M

    Archive through July 25, 2010

    Hello, I just installed some rebuilt spindles to my 48" deck and am having a problem with the top bolt/pulley coming loose. There is a star washer between the bolt and the pulley but it doesn't seem to help. Is there a torque spec for the bolt? What else are you guys doing to keep the bolt...