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IH Cub Cadet Forum

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  1. B

    Hunting/Fishing PICS- POST-EM Here

    Thanks Bruce! It's a little tuff to fold up the Cub and stuff into my vest,but worth the trouble. Got a pic of another gobbler in the same spot. Our season ends April 30th;most of the hens are nesting,so chances are good! Wayne; Keep an eye on her;she'll bring friends!
  2. B

    Hunting/Fishing PICS- POST-EM Here

    Dang birds just don't learn! 10-1/2" beard,1-1/4" spurs...he gobbled at 6:10,ran into a load of #5's at 6:20...roosted 20 yards from a pile of Cub parts! Think maybe it was the 128 roller that drew him over!
  3. B

    Hunting/Fishing PICS- POST-EM Here

    Ooops! !
  4. B

    Hunting/Fishing PICS- POST-EM Here

    That time of year again!
  5. B

    Archive through December 20, 2011

    Anyone close to the south have a Cub 100 for sale? Thanks,Bobby B.
  6. B


    Bought mine from a member in the Northern region and the UPS shipping rate was around $80.00 to my house.Ditto what Charlie said.
  7. B

    Archive through December 05, 2011

    Wow...a lot of discussion on proper torqueing of Kohler head bolts...how many get their torque wrenches calibrated on a regular basis? Hmmm...I can hear gears spinning now...
  8. B

    IH in films

    Don't forget the narrow frame that popped up in "Bull Durham"...
  9. B


    Kraig; The LCP is a great pocket pistol! Fairly accurate,lightweight and cycles well. Fits the back pocket of my Levi's nicely! Bobby...
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    Ummm...I'm not a gun nut...just a nut with a lot of guns...
  11. B

    Hunting/Fishing PICS- POST-EM Here

    Kraig; He's gotta be at least a 140-150 class buck...he'd be seeing his last sunrise if was in the Cotton state...
  12. B

    Hunting/Fishing PICS- POST-EM Here

    Kraig; Nice buck! You've been growing him for a few years now...I believe it's "time"...Good luck!
  13. B


    Rodney; Being married for 32 years and suffering every high and low that comes with it,the best thing I can tell you is I am still married because of one thing...my faith in Jesus Christ! Read Corinthians and your answer lies within those pages. May God bless your wife,you and your marriage...
  14. B

    Hunting/Fishing PICS- POST-EM Here

    I hate work!!!!
  15. B

    Hunting/Fishing PICS- POST-EM Here

    Wayne; Our turkey season was likewise a little "off".Gobblers just wouldn't "work" like I'm used to. Got on several birds,but they always ended up going away.Couple of my friends that usually limit out had poor seasons also. Bobby B.
  16. B

    Hunting/Fishing PICS- POST-EM Here

    Thanks Kraig...and Paul..I am smiling...
  17. B

    Hunting/Fishing PICS- POST-EM Here

    Been hunting this bird hard for two weeks. He continually made a fool out of me. I went after work today and took advantage of the 30+ mph winds to cover my assault. Had to put the redneck sneak on him...11-1/2" beard with 1-1/4" inch spurs...a smart 4-5 year old bird. He thought he was safe at...
  18. B

    New help arrived last night!

    Kenneth; Congradulations on the birth of your new grandson! I just got home from work! Bobby B.
  19. B

    Archive through April 21, 2011

    Got a line on a 982 that has engine issues.My question for the gurus is that if anyone can recommend a replacement engine for the original Onan.This tractor comes with a Cat"0" lift,box blade,plow and two-row disc,so even with engine troubles I think it is worth the asking price...if I can find...
  20. B

    Compound Bows....anybody own/use a Parker?

    Bill; I've have been out of compound archery for a while;went traditional...but I still shoot compounds from time to time for fun and most of my bowhunting buddies shoot 'em. The best piece of advice I can offer you is save your money and buy a Mathews. Best compound currently made,and it holds...