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IH Cub Cadet Forum

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  1. B

    Archive through September 29, 2008

    Hello All;... a friend of mine decided to let his 128 lose a balance grenade and now has a ventilated ,running K301! Anybody had any luck repairing a damaged block? A know-it-all at work said there was a weld repair for cast iron, but it's news to me. Any takers?
  2. B

    Making a wildlife Food Plot

    Kraig ,invite your nephew, hunt that morning,then rush to the weddin',(still in your camo), and have backstrap for the weddin' dinner! Ooops! Forgot you ain't from Alabama!
  3. B

    Making a wildlife Food Plot

    Dennis & Kraig; I have a similiar disc I use and it does a good job as long as you add weight; the weight helps it cut and stabilizes it a bit. It does great on a plowed field and yes, a 12hp cub will pull it just fine; the drawback being no way to lift it. Got mine from the local co-op,they're...
  4. B

    Making a wildlife Food Plot

    Hello Kraig;I havn't done too well with turkeys on my property, most of mine are taken from various properties throughout the Southeast! Anywhere I here a gobble I'll try to garner permission. Most land in Alabama is privately owned and we must have written permission to hunt it;very little...
  5. B

    Making a wildlife Food Plot

    Kraig, I was unaware that was #149! Too cool;thanks! I watched 'em from about 25ft up a pine tree.Mostly does and yearlings;but two young bucks were nosing the does pretty hard.We have a long season in Alabama and can take two a day, so I do a lot of watching from my climber. I only own 16 acres...
  6. B

    Making a wildlife Food Plot

    Kraig, nice food plot action shots! I use the same style disc for my small plots. I gave my 128 to a good friend and we use it and my 149 to plow and disc. It's a great combo;I also use chain link fence for a drag. Some things are just universal! I've had great success with the Imperial...
  7. B

    Making a wildlife Food Plot

    Kraig, great pics from your trail camera! We won't be making food plots down here until Sept., with bow season starting in Oct. What is your choice for food plot seed mix? Clover is gaining in popularity down south, but most folks go with grains such as rye, oats, and wheat. We also put out...
  8. B

    Archive through June 03, 2008

    Kent, had a similiar problem on my 128.The cure was removing the head and clean all that carbon off the intake valve.That's my story and I'm stickin' to it!
  9. B

    Archive through May 20, 2008

    Looking for a good hydro unit and fenders for my 149.Shipped to 36301.Thanks,Bob.
  10. B

    Archive through May 29, 2008

    Morning to all! Need a little help in identifying the clips and brackets used to hold and clamp the throttle and choke cable in place on a 149. I've used the parts look-up, but they are hard to pinpoint!Thanks in advance,Bob.
  11. B

    Need your IH Cub Cadet or related equipment hauled somewhere ?

    Looking for transport of a cub cadet tractor from Illinois to L.A.!(Lower Alabama).Can rendevous somewhere in between.Thanks to all!Bob Bowman.
  12. B

    Steve B

    Ken; I have a similiar TENS unit that I use for a protruding disc in my neck.It puts pressure on the nerves running into my left arm and causes numbness in that arm.The TENS unit helps a lot.Bought mine over the counter,but the salesman said it was prescription only.Anything to make a sale!I...
  13. B

    Archive through January 23, 2008

    Jason; nice mount.Is that an Eastern? How big was your bird?
  14. B

    Archive through April 23, 2008

    Ran into a fellow near my house that is selling his collection of cubs.He has a clean 1250 w/deck,an Original,72,1200,and I think a 122.All are decent except the 122;it has heavy rust but could be a parter.Anybody in the southeast that is interested,let me know and I'll hook you up .He also has...
  15. B

    Archive through January 23, 2008

    Hence the term, "Limbhanger" ! Another good bird.11-1/2 in beard,1-1/2 in spurs! No snakes,either!
  16. B

    Archive through January 23, 2008

    Jason;thanks!Killed another three footer this morning in the same spot!They love the beaver pond I have to cross;I think the snakes are baiting ME with turkeys!
  17. B

    Archive through January 23, 2008

    No turkey today;called up a good bird for my hunting buddy,but he couldn't take the shot.But I did step on a four-foot cottonmouth;which is now deceased!
  18. B

    Archive through January 23, 2008

    Brian;..turkey hunting ain't so hard.Just wait for 'em to walk in front of your shotgun and squeeze!
  19. B

    Archive through January 23, 2008

    Another successful hunt! I love huntin' them turkey birds!
  20. B

    Archive through March 27, 2008

    Just got my computer back up.This is only a test!