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IH Cub Cadet Forum

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  1. K

    Archive through September 01, 2013

    Hey Rob, maybe have a busch light and try typing that again. Looking forward to having a couple with ya at plowdays
  2. K

    Montrose Fall Harvest Plow Day Oct. 11-12 2013

    Everyone start doing a rain dance. Don't need another year like last year. Corn starting to wilt around here. Was up in Charlie's neck of the woods yesterday, really bad up there. Corn pretty much dried right up
  3. K

    Archive through August 19, 2013

    Nice score on the load of cubs Terry!!! If that 71 is ever on the market send it this way
  4. K

    Archive through June 21, 2013

    #2 Cart. Decent shape. Hitch has some welding. $160 picked up in Buffalo MN. 763-286-0169
  5. K

    Archive through October 22, 2012

    The 1650 with Kwik Way loader listed on the 11th of October is sold. Thanks
  6. K

    Archive through October 05, 2012

    Posting for a buddy of mine as he is not good with the internet stuff. Kwik Way Loader. Mounted on a 1650 frame. Has pump and resivor, but not mounted on tractor. You get everything in the pics except the rear tires that now have different ones on them. Asking $995. His name is Adam, please call...
  7. K

    Archive through July 09, 2012

    Does anyone have a Jiffy Balling sickle bar that can give me the dimensions of the plate that mounts to the side that the cable runs through? Finally got a IH show at the county fair which gives me the push to get this on a tractor. Thanks in advance.
  8. K

    Archive through March 10, 2012

    Original with fenders and rear PTO. Tough shape, asking $275 as you see it. Located in Buffalo MN. Email or call 763-286-0169
  9. K

    Northeast Iowa plow day spring 2012 April 7, 2012

    Of course there is. Especially if your the host!
  10. K

    Fall Harvest Day 2010 Montrose, Mn

    Also got 7 tenths of rain today, that will make plowing nice!!!!!
  11. K

    Fall Harvest Day 2010 Montrose, Mn

    Bob is looking for a idea of how many people may be coming to let the Boy Scouts know how many burgers and hot dogs to have on hand. Either post here or call Bob at 612-581-5360. Thanks
  12. K

    Fall Harvest Day 2010 Montrose, Mn

    Friday there will be a pull at the original location and some plowing down the road from there roughly 18 acres. Saturday's plowing will actually be EAST of the original location but WEST of Delano and north. There will be approx 36 acres of beans. Both areas will still be sandy. No plowing at...
  13. K

    Archive through June 10, 2011

    Front blade, blower and rear chains off an original I bought. As far as I know everything is there to hook them up other than a lift rod. Possible delivery to RPRU on Friday. Asking $175 cash for all. Located in Buffalo MN. Phone calls would be best. 763-286-0169
  14. K

    Wisc/Minn Border Spring Plow Day!

    Nice pics guys, looks like a good time. Wish I could have made it but with the holiday it just didn't allow the time.
  15. K

    Wisc/Minn Border Spring Plow Day!

    No trailer full of goodies to sell. I always just like rummaging through other peoples stuff. Ya never know what you need til you see it laying there
  16. K

    Wisc/Minn Border Spring Plow Day!

    Any swapping going on?
  17. K

    Archive through April 19, 2011

    Kent, that one is neat. Looks like it is for Quick Attach models. I didn't think they even made them that long to be for them models. Mine has the two mounting holes. And it is missing the bracket.
  18. K

    Archive through April 19, 2011

    A couple months ago someone posted a brochure on the Jiffy Balling front mounted sickle. I think it was on a 100. Did some searching and can't find it now. Just aquired one and would love to see it again. I thought it was Kraig but not, maybe Charlie??? Thanks in advance.
  19. K

    Archive through February 25, 2011

    Looking for a front electric pto for a 800. Working or not. Email [email protected] thanks in advance
  20. K

    19th Annual Greater MN Two Cyl. Club May 6th, 7th, and 8th, 2011

    Hey Greg, yeah it was last fall. Was during the parade out back. That is me in the middle with the 100 and a buddy with the 782D in front. This winter has been long enough, so yes I agree, time for t-shirt weather. I think we met one other time, you bought a hitch from me.