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IH Cub Cadet Forum

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  1. B

    Wheelhorse kt17 into 782?

    Thanks. Picked up the engine along with the attached wheelhorse tractor. Running ok but need some minor parts before the transfer.
  2. B

    Wheelhorse kt17 into 782?

    Found a ok deal on a kt17 from a wheelhorse to repower my 782 without an engine. While the output shaft is 1 1/8 diameter it is about 1 inch longer. Has anyone done this conversion or am I just getting into trouble?
  3. B

    1711 Ready for Sap

    Cub Cadet sap hauler worked great. The plow seemed to be just enough counter weight on the setup to handle hauling 35 gals of sap. At least until the ground thawed and turned into 6 inches of mud.
  4. B

    1711 Ready for Sap

    Hauled the first 20 gals of sap Saturday night. Spent sometime tonight rigging things up. Put hooks for empty buckets and holder for pump hose/power cord. Weather looks good for sap run tomorrow.
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    1711 Ready for Sap

    Haven't collected anything yet. We still have snow past my knees in the woods. Weather has been too cold. These cub cadets surprise me ever day. I have been packing a trail in the snow with snowmobiles and my mini dozer. This 1711 with lawn tires and chains drives right up a pretty steep...
  6. B

    1711 Ready for Sap

    Well I just finished version 2.0 of the 1711 Sap Hauler. Last years three jugs system worked OK but I saw a larger tank on clearance and picked it up. I have to make the weight decisions to see how full I will fill the tank. Last year I carried 21 gals of sap (168 lbs) without any...
  7. B

    782 Model Tag

    Was looking at the serial number tag on my engineless 782. The tractor does have the cast iron rear diff. The tag slightly different than my 1512 and 1711. Specifically the location (Brownsville vs Cleveland) and the Model number format. Is this just the first year of transition to Cub Cadet...
  8. B

    Not very pretty . . .

    Frank, Welcome to the dark side of cub cadets. I really enjoy my 1711 and 1512. Both share the same frame and transmission as your 1811.
  9. B

    Is Synthetic Oil OK?

    Anyone using synthetic in a kt17 series II ?
  10. B

    Archive through August 12, 2013

    Not sure if it is correct to post this but someone with some available funds may want to check out Craigslist in New Hampshire. Six tractor and parts in one lot.
  11. B

    1711 Driveshaft seems long

    Well everything is back together and I was able to mow the lawn. While I had the driveshaft out I took the time to remove the steering column and go through it. Only worn part I found was the follower. Thanks to Charlie I have a new follower, seals and steering upgrade kit. I notice...
  12. B

    1711 Driveshaft seems long

    Luther, Those bolts are just inserted to check out position. When it is actually assembled they go exactly like you mentioned. Either way the bolts don't hit it. The problem is coupler hit the seal on the charge pump. My coupler was worn (pin holes out of round and hole for pump shaft)...
  13. B

    1711 Driveshaft seems long

    Hello All, Last week while mowing the my 1711 started to make a ticking sound. Then started to coast down hill and I had no hydro power. After examining things the spiral pin by the pump fell out and the sound was just the drive shaft spinning on the pump shaft. Took everything apart...
  14. B

    Yard Machines (MTD) Problem

    Don't forget to check some of the places like surplus center and bailey hydraulics. Depending on the specifics surplus center had a new unit for less than $100. Good luck. http://www.surpluscenter.com/sort.asp?catname=powerTrans&keyword=PTT1
  15. B

    Archive through June 14, 2013

    I have hauled my 1512 in an s10 bed. Seemed to work fine. Had to remove the 50" mower deck to fit between the wheel wells. Be very carefull of the tailgate. I know mine had a recalls on the support straps. I used some additional ratchet straps to help support the tailgate when I loaded...
  16. B

    1711 Starter Question

    Hello All, Well I have done everything everyone suggestion on my starter. The Bendix gear just keeps sticking so the starter does not engage. I have cleaned the shaft, I have tried it dry, I have lubed it with multiple products. It works for a little while and then sticks. I...
  17. B

    1512D not running right

    When you say "the temperature shot up" how high are you talking on the gauge?
  18. B

    1512D not running right

    Ok the 1512 has a return line for the fuel. Open the fuel tank up when it running and you should see fuel returning to the tank. If the returning fuel is very slow you may have a clogged intake screen in the fuel tank. The screen is on the pickup line not the return. You are just looking at...
  19. B

    1711 Ready for Sap

    Well besides some issues with the starter bendix not engaging the 1711 made it though the sugaring season. We hauled almost 700 gals of sap to make just over 14 gals of syrup. Even with the three storage tanks filled (21 gals total) the 1711 had no troubles. Without the plow the front end...
  20. B

    1711 Ready for Sap

    Yes that is a 275 gal oil tank (free) which i made into a wood stove with a 2ft x 4ft stainless steel pan on it. I only use it for maple syrup. When I get the system fired up I can boil off 10 gals of sap per hr. Will make a few more modifications to improve boil rate. Depending on sugar...