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IH Cub Cadet Forum

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  1. kweimann

    Archive through September 26, 2005

    Roland, I found a # A-237418-S for Lead-Breaker Points. Wonder if it is the same? Kenny
  2. kweimann

    Archive through September 26, 2005

    Roland, The grommet is Kohler # 220297-S
  3. kweimann

    Archive through September 26, 2005

    Roland, Call Scott Madson, he has them. Kenny
  4. kweimann

    Archive through September 25, 2005

    Timmy, My .02 on valve lapping on freshly cut seats and new valves. I opened up an NOS 16 hp short block last year and found that they were not lapped at all from the factory. If the valve doesn't sit perfectly concentric on the cut seat, it won't have a perfect seal. But I figure after...
  5. kweimann

    Archive through September 06, 2005

    RE: Gates Green Belts. They have saved me on the weekend when only auto parts stores are open. Keep in mind though that they aren't available in fractional lengths, just whole inches. Most of the things I've worked on need a fractional length and when you try the next size lower, usually it is...
  6. kweimann

    Archive through August 28, 2005

    David, Start with a fresh battery. It may be the problem.
  7. kweimann

    Archive through August 23, 2005

    Jeff, 50-60 foot-pounds
  8. kweimann

    Archive through August 08, 2005

    David K., I have the same tires on my 123 puller. I put them on 8.5 rims as I didn't have any 10.5's. I love the looks and I put the tire pressure down to about 3 psi and they bite great. Kenny
  9. kweimann

    Archive through August 03, 2005

    John, Sounds like you have a dead cell in your battery. The alternator version AQS Series don't run well, if at all, with a bad battery. I'd check the voltage at the battery and you'll probably find it around 9 or so volts. Kenny
  10. kweimann

    Archive through April 26, 2005

    GT Pulls at the CT Ag Fair this Sunday 7/31, Registration 8-9am, pulls start at 9:30am. Hope to have the 123 up there. web site: http://www.ctagriculturalfair.org/departmentinfo.asp?DeptID=31
  11. kweimann

    Archive through July 09, 2005

    Shanen, Looks like someone adapted a different model Walbro carb to your Cub. I'd remove it and get a Carter Model N size #26 from one of the sponsors. The bottom needle is for high speed mixture adjustment on the one you show in the photo. Top right is low speed mixture. Kenny
  12. kweimann

    Archive through June 01, 2005

    Show is tomorrow 6/4
  13. kweimann

    Archive through June 01, 2005

    Tractor Show and Pulls (Garden Tractor and Full Size) at the Redding Historical Society, 43 Lonetown Road, Redding Ct. (Rt 107) I'll be there with the 123. Kenny
  14. kweimann

    Archive through May 01, 2005

    Rick M., You are gonna have to put some springs under that seat or it's gonna be one bumpy ride.
  15. kweimann

    Archive through April 28, 2005

    Jim Storma, Since it only calls out the .006/.008 in the manual, I would say that is ok. But remember it says "At Gage Diameter", which on K Series engines is the thrust face, just below the bottom oil ring land at 90 degrees to the piston pin. These pistons are oval so you have to measure in...
  16. kweimann

    Archive through April 28, 2005

    Jim, I'm assuming that the .006/.008 spec. you speak of is the correct diametral clearance for the style of piston you are using. Kenny
  17. kweimann

    Archive through April 28, 2005

    Jim, The clearance is right. Just make sure you measure the piston the correct way for the style of piston as it is shown in the Service Manual, then add .006 to get your minmimum Bore Diameter. Kenny
  18. kweimann

    Archive through April 20, 2005

    George H., Where Ya been? Hope to see you at Kent on 4/30-5/1 Slaters in Walden NY sold out all its Cub and Gravely inventory, how long ago did you pass by it? I used to love going up there, great boneyard for Cub Stuff. Kenny
  19. kweimann

    Archive through April 09, 2005

    Matt, Per Brian Millers Website: http://members.aol.com/pullingtractor/cylhead.htm The newest style head manufactured by Kohler is much like the previous one, but has the spark plug located directly over the exhaust valve. There are two reasons why Kohler did this: It prevents...
  20. kweimann

    Archive through April 09, 2005

    Tom, Take off the clutch shield and make sure nothing is binding. Sometimes the release bearing's inner race will wear a groove in the driveshaft and hang up not allowing full release of the clutch. Also look at the front of the pedestal where the throwout arm pivots to make sure it hasn't...