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IH Cub Cadet Forum

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  1. kweimann

    Archive through December 15, 2003

    Talking about narrow frames, I had to replace the driveshaft and clutch in the 106, I always wondered why there seemed to be a dent in the creeper slot on many models I've seen (without a creeper installed). I figured it out when I was driving out the pin in the driveshaft coupling. My Pin punch...
  2. kweimann

    Archive through December 05, 2003

    Jim, If the last message sounded off base, you may have the newer (later production 8/9 series) OPEI mandated safety PTO brake on it. It uses a disc of friction material on a stamped, spring loaded cup to stop the operating device faster than the old style of buttons. Do you have a pic of which...
  3. kweimann

    Archive through December 05, 2003

    Jim W., Adjust your PTO linkage rod so that there is a .020 gap between the wear button and steel pto button. It sounds like you have too much air gap so that when you pull back on the pto lever it doesn't fully disengage the pto, therefore the thrower spins while you crank the engine, it is...
  4. kweimann

    Archive through November 23, 2003

    Scott, is that a 60's Mustang I see? 66-67?
  5. kweimann

    IH Cub Cadet Pulling and Hot Rodding

    Jerry, I agree with Don. I know you are on a budget from my conversations with you and Harry but don't skimp on critical parts like a crank and rod unless you want a 100 pound lawn ornament. I've rejected cranks that were .0002 under max wear limit because I don't ever want a customer or...
  6. kweimann

    Archive through November 20, 2003

    Mike L., I got a carb from a forum member that still had a bowl full of gas! the UPS guy wrapped it in 10 plastic bags and it still wreaked! Anytime you buy anything fuel related, remind the seller to drain it. The fuel soaked bags would have ignited with any spark I'm sure. My wife was quick...
  7. kweimann

    Archive through November 01, 2003

    Frank, here in S.E. Ct, where everything is expensive, it is 50 bucks to grind a crank. Scott Madson sells complete ground ones if yours is toast, about 1/2 the price of new. Kenny
  8. kweimann

    Archive through November 01, 2003

    Daniel, For the spring assist on my 106 with plow, I adjust the spring tension so the plow will stay in any position I have the lift arm in, that way it wont drop when Im in 3rd and send me flying over the wheel. Kenny
  9. kweimann

    IH Cub Cadet Pulling and Hot Rodding

    Kent, A friend of mine has a CC with a blower (3-71 I think)here in Trumbull Ct.. A guy in Milford built it. He uses it mainly for shows and parades cause he's scared it will blow up if he pulls with it. I'll try to get some pics. There's no substitute for cubic inches if power is what you're...
  10. kweimann

    Archive through October 29, 2003

    Herb G., In a word, YUP. Jim Chabot had the same problem on his 169, a leaking coil. It was a bear to start at the Spring Kent show this spring, ended up soaking the plug. It was after wearing down the battery that we took off the plug wire at the coil and found it was wet with oil. A fresh...
  11. kweimann

    IH Cub Cadet Pulling and Hot Rodding

    Don, Do you have the dimensions of SOLID iso mounts if you want to replace them with aluminum or steel. I want to rigidly mount my 16+ HP K341 in my 1000. Thanks, Kenny
  12. kweimann

    Archive through October 21, 2003

    Paul B., I like that 107, my first was a 107. Usually you see people painting them with 935, I know that some were 935 but most were 902, I like the 902 better. Kenny
  13. kweimann

    Archive through October 20, 2003

    Got it. Thanks Kraig.
  14. kweimann

    Archive through October 20, 2003

    Kraig, Beuller, anyone, Can someone post the Kohler throttle shaft/bushing dimensions and kit numbers for the 30 size carb? I need to get the 1600 project engine done before the first snow. Thanks, Kenny
  15. kweimann

    Archive through October 09, 2003

    Rick L., I'm not going to be one of those guys and tell you to get a Carter Carb, but if you do see one cheap, get it. Anyhow, is your governor set correctly? Make sure you have the throttle shaft on the carb full open when you turn the governor shaft CCW all the way and tighten the nut. Set...
  16. kweimann

    Archive through October 09, 2003

    Rich, There was a Porsche tractor at the Zagray Farm show last weekend. A guy in Bethel CT has a restored one that he brings to some area shows. It's pretty amazing looking with a bellhousing around 3 feet in diameter. I'll try to find some pics I have of them. Kenny
  17. kweimann

    IH Cub Cadet Pulling and Hot Rodding

    Don, Looking at Nate's valve relieving had me thinking about lapping. I usually make the witness ring (contact land area) about .035, I do this by making a 3 angle valve seat with my Neway cutters. Is there any advantage of a narrower contact band? My NOS K341 shortblock appears to have new...
  18. kweimann

    IH Cub Cadet Pulling and Hot Rodding

    Dave K., What diameter did you drill your emulsion tube jet hole to?, If at all. Kenny
  19. kweimann

    IH Cub Cadet Pulling and Hot Rodding

    Dave, I lightened the pic. a bit to show the bores.
  20. kweimann

    IH Cub Cadet Pulling and Hot Rodding

    Don, Speaking of governors, the one on my unused 16 is of course new and shiny white, but the shaft is severely rusted. Do you think that I can emery and scotch brite it ok to use or would you recommend knocking out the stub shaft and installing a new one? My only concern is the availability...