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  1. T

    IH Cub Cadet Plow Day 11.0, April 8, 2006

    Still nothing!!! Looking good.
  2. T

    IH Cub Cadet Plow Day 11.0, April 8, 2006

    Well, thanks for the support. Here is how it lies right now. I do not think the rain date will be feasible for most. I'm going to give this about a 90% "GO" as of right now. It seems the rain is supposed to track south of us. The neighbor is in the field tonight and it's dry, so a little rain...
  3. T

    IH Cub Cadet Plow Day 11.0, April 8, 2006

    Kraig, you could be right!!! I better get the tow rope out
  4. T

    IH Cub Cadet Plow Day 11.0, April 8, 2006

    I figured the rain date would put a lot of people out. Like I said, unless we get a drencher, it will be fine. For those of you thinking this is an easy call with the "let's do it" thing, there's more to it than just whether or not we can plow. For instance, the parking are is NOT a well...
  5. T

    IH Cub Cadet Plow Day 11.0, April 8, 2006

    If we have to push this thing to next weekend (Easter weekend), will that mean people can not come? Please post on here if you WON'T be able to make it.
  6. T

    IH Cub Cadet Plow Day 11.0, April 8, 2006

    I will make a decision by 8:00 AM on fri morning. Unless we get dumped on Thurs or Friday it will be fine. The ground in that field is light and well drained. Besides, how often are weather guessers correct???
  7. T

    IH Cub Cadet Plow Day 11.0, April 8, 2006

    Terry, I don't run a coulter. It does do a lot nicer job with one, but I hate plugging. I think Steve B got his to work good. The chance of rain for late this week is dropping. Even if we do get a little it will still be OK with that light ground. I hate to push it to next weekend since it's...
  8. T

    IH Cub Cadet Plow Day 11.0, April 8, 2006

    No need to post on here. Please just shoot me an email.
  9. T

    IH Cub Cadet Plow Day 11.0, April 8, 2006

    Especially with green tractors. No on wants those I assume we'll be able to make an educated guess on Thurs. Usually when the forecast rain, we don't get a drop!!!
  10. T

    IH Cub Cadet Plow Day 11.0, April 8, 2006

    PD update: We got a few inches of rain last night which should help out the soil conditions a lot. The forecast is calling for rain all next week, but the ground in that field is very light. If we don't get drenched, it will still be very good plowing. I will make a decision by Fri morning for...
  11. T

    IH Cub Cadet Plow Day 11.0, April 8, 2006

    We were 6ft deep last week with zero frost in the ground. We also missed the snow last week. At this point there is nothing to worry about. Hopefully the next 2 weeks are nice!!! BTW, everyone is welcome Fri night for the night plowing like we did last year. That proved to be a good time!!
  12. T

    Keith E's Man Land...

    I screwed up the last post. I meant to say "from this, to this"
  13. T

    Keith E's Man Land...

    (Message edited by tschweizer on February 13, 2006)
  14. T

    Keith E's Man Land...

    Well, it's done!!
  15. T

    IH Cub Cadet Plow Day 11.0, April 8, 2006

    Let's hope for good weather on the 8th. The following weekend is Easter weekend, and I can't have it later than the 15th. BTW, anyone is welcome to come on Friday and hang out. We'll plow on Friday night again like we did last year. Made for a good time.
  16. T

    Archive through January 09, 2006

    Well, if no one else is speaking up for Plowday this spring, I will be happy to host it again. I'm a little far west for some people, but we always seem to get a good crowd. Since the Friday night thing went over so well last spring, we may do it again. I'll have more details this weekend.
  17. T

    Archive through December 26, 2005

    Bob, check to see that you have 12 volts to the + side of the coil while cranking. If no voltage, or low voltage, check the connection at the ign switch to see if it's corroded.
  18. T

    Archive through December 20, 2005

    I got a new toy yesterday. Man, these things are GREAT!!! The website shows a picture of a garden tractor, but it's the wrong color :-(