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  1. T

    Spring Plowday 2007 Announcement

    Kurt, the raffle tickets are for a Harley and a plasma TV. Anything that has to do with a grinder and a JD are free
  2. T

    Spring Plowday 2007 Announcement

    The JD guys are always looking for a project. If their machines could possibly handle it, maybe they'd jump in ;-)
  3. T

    Spring Plowday 2007 Announcement

    Now, if we were 5 miles north of here, different story. Ground up there is the blackest, stickiest dirt I've ever seen. Used to pull the trip tongue off the old JD 3-bottom plow if it pulled too hard!!
  4. T

    Spring Plowday 2007 Announcement

    A little moisture won't hurt for this field anyway. It's light ground, and it plows a lot nicer if it's damp. Charlie, you got anyone lined up to prepare the tractor pull track??
  5. T

    Spring Plowday 2007 Announcement

    Just to give credit where it is due, Charlie is the host of this event, not me. All the planning, events, times, etc are on his end. Sounds like he's got some good ideas to make it an even better event.
  6. T

    Archive through July 16, 2006

    Then again, 7hp, 38" deck, 12" tall grass, 2nd gear..........
  7. T

    Archive through May 11, 2006

    Nope, it's a Beaver 3 with a 3cyl engine and updated front knuckles.
  8. T

    Archive through May 11, 2006

    Charlie just wants me to get in trouble for posting this!! I bought one of these with a 4' Bush hog to mow my ditches. That's also the reason I decided to sell the turbo diesel :-(
  9. T

    Archive through April 16, 2006

    Tedd, he's got a 3pt plow. Totally different ball game. Lonny, I have to somewhat "carry" mine also. There is a point where they'll level out and plow nice, but they're not as "user friendly" as a sleeve hitch type plow.
  10. T

    IH Cub Cadet Plow Day 11.0, April 8, 2006

    Sign me up!!!! If Mike M brings his latest Original, I think I can talk Dee into coming. He needed a last minute creeper shifter handle, so he found one in his wife's dresser drawer!!! Seriously, his Original is something to see. Very nice!!
  11. T

    Archive through April 12, 2006

    Terry, I'm a big fan of the Gators, but I don't think they're worth all the trouble you're going through. You'd be better off retro-fitting a 44" or 50" deck to your tractor!!!
  12. T

    IH Cub Cadet Plow Day 11.0, April 8, 2006

    Man, it's a good thing we had this thing LAST weekend!!!!
  13. T

    IH Cub Cadet Plow Day 11.0, April 8, 2006

    I was making a hole for all the dead Deeres!!!
  14. T

    Archive through April 06, 2006

    Charlie, I can attest for Mike's work also. The things I get from him are very nice. I might add that he makes very good salsa. Caption time!! I TOLD YOU NOT TO TRY AND KEEP UP WITH THOSE CUBS!!! Man, I shouldn't have ate so much of Mike's salsa last night!!
  15. T

    IH Cub Cadet Plow Day 11.0, April 8, 2006

    Thanks to all that attended, brought door prizes, and helped support the Fire Dept!!! Considering the forecast for Thurs/Fri, I think the event turned out fine. That field was 60 acres, so I figure we probably plowed 50 or so. Friday also turned out to be a very fun event. If anyone has some...
  16. T

    IH Cub Cadet Plow Day 11.0, April 8, 2006

    If anyone is thinking about coming, but not sure of the conditions, MAKE THE TRIP!!
  17. T

    IH Cub Cadet Plow Day 11.0, April 8, 2006

    OK guys, we just got a sprinkle last night. Plow Day is 100% ON!!!
  18. T

    IH Cub Cadet Plow Day 11.0, April 8, 2006

    "There's no place like Rockford Iowa... There's no place like Rockford Iowa..." I think there's only one person on here that'll claim that one!! Nothing as of yet. Keep your fingers crossed!!
  19. T

    IH Cub Cadet Plow Day 11.0, April 8, 2006

    I've gotten a couple emails about selling parts. There is plenty of space to sell parts. Yes, it is free. We've advertised this pretty heavy locally so bring anything you want to sell!!!
  20. T

    IH Cub Cadet Plow Day 11.0, April 8, 2006

    Man, now they're calling for 55 degrees and sunny on Sat!! Wohoo!!!