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IH Cub Cadet Forum

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  1. T

    ROCKFORD PLOW DAY April 14th, 2018

    That's just mean Mike!!! You can come hang out tomorrow night??
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    ROCKFORD PLOW DAY April 14th, 2018

    This is a post I don't not want to make, but I'm going to postpone Plow Day until next spring. I'm not sure if it's actually going to snow or not, but it's going to be wet, windy, and cold. I will post a date when we get it figured out
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    ROCKFORD PLOW DAY April 14th, 2018

    I know everyone is keeping an eye on the forecast. It does not look promising. I will make a final decision by noon tomorrow
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    ROCKFORD PLOW DAY April 14th, 2018

    I will be fasting until then.....
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    ROCKFORD PLOW DAY April 14th, 2018

    Join the club Rick!!!! I'm thinking about smoking a pork loin for Friday Evening....
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    ROCKFORD PLOW DAY April 14th, 2018

    There has always been a "friendly rivalry" between the green and red/yellow. They were usually concerned about field conditions, plow depth, wax job, etc. The cub guys just wanted to get in the field and get the guy behind them hung up. It's always fun
  7. T

    ROCKFORD PLOW DAY April 14th, 2018

    Ah yes, the snow/plow day. Turned out to be one of the best ones I've had!!
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    ROCKFORD PLOW DAY April 14th, 2018

    Absolutely!!! Friday will be more fun anyway!!
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    ROCKFORD PLOW DAY April 14th, 2018

    We usually had a fairly good turnout, yes. Hopefully someone has some pictures of the event. There is 22 Acres of grass to park on and you are more than welcome to camp overnight. Just know that it is pasture ground and beware for the steaming pies The last one I had was in 2010
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    ROCKFORD PLOW DAY April 14th, 2018

    Thanks, it's true, I'm having plow day again. Most everything is the same as it has been in the past. Rockford Fire Dept will be serving food for a fundraiser. There is a Facebook Page set up with all the info (Rockford Iowa Plow Day) or feel free to post here. All brands are welcome...
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    Blunier Plow Day - Roanoke , IL October 24th & 25th, 2014

    What a great day!! It was really good to see everyone again. Thanks to Steve and his family for hosting, and Wyatt for putting up with me for 700 miles :-)
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    Northeast Iowa plow day spring 2012 April 7, 2012

    I'm going to try and make it also. Thanks Rob!!
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    One of the baggers has a hitch...... does that count?? Pulled a trailer to Mertle Beach last summer. Stopped by Blunier's on the way home.
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    This is what I've been doing lately :-)
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    Archive through September 23, 2010

    I have a nice power steering setup off a 3000 series for $150. It's a nice compact unit that would be great to use for a project. I can deliver to Montrose or Blunier's plowday....
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    Archive through June 12, 2010

    Looking for a rearend for a 3000 series tractor (3206 to be exact). Will consider parts tractor. Traveling this weekend to east coast so could pick up if possible
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    Spring 2010 Plow Day

    Mathew, by 3:00 my pasture is usually completely empty, minus the trash I have to pick up (this year I actually had a bunch of McDonalds trash.... nice)