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IH Cub Cadet Forum

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  1. lkortkamp

    Archive through March 07, 2018

    Doing some surfing Craigslist today and came up with a 169 for sale locally. Deck, plow, chains, rebuilt motor. Not shabby looking, some decent looking paint on it with no decals replaced. Don't have any need for it, but you know how that goes. You don't see many 169 mentioned here? Are...
  2. lkortkamp

    Archive through February 22, 2018

    Those rattle gears are the reason I NEVER run my 149 up on the governor. Ever. I run it about 1/3-1/2 throttle for everything and it never grunts or struggles. Doesn't overheat either.
  3. lkortkamp

    Archive through February 19, 2018

    72 and SUNNY in Ohio, though short lived. It is still only the middle of Feb.
  4. lkortkamp

    Archive through February 07, 2018

    I wonder if he's ever used Blunier Ramming Speed ™............... }
  5. lkortkamp

    Archive through February 04, 2018

    Charlie, I saw that guy on Facebook asking for blade brackets so he could improve upon his plowing capabilities. With the snow we got this morning, looks like I'll be on the 149 tonight. I'll likely do mine and my two neighbors(just because I'm a nice guy). Boss texted me to stay home if I...
  6. lkortkamp

    Wanted To Buy

    Usable electric lift and associated hardware to attach. My 127 was converted to manual lift so I need the attachment hardware where the lever is now. I have the front mounting point. I have thoughts of buying a new linear actuator and making it work, but still need the rear hardware, guard...
  7. lkortkamp

    Archive through January 16, 2018

    Wow...glad I was reading today. Just realized what that little button was on the side of my handle. Hmmm, float control. Interesting.
  8. lkortkamp

    Archive through January 08, 2018

    Ugh, sorry to hear you have problems. Believe me, my buddy was not real happy with the fuss it took to make his work. And the constant hiccups. It still works, though we don't use it as much as he though when he bought it.
  9. lkortkamp

    Archive through January 04, 2018

    GoPro's are pretty easy. Does that have a remote? Hard to tell by the packaging. Turn on Camera first(power and Wifi). Then turn on Remote. The remote will then look for the camera. If you do it the other way, it usually(like mine) messes up and I end up powering everything down and...
  10. lkortkamp

    Archive through January 04, 2018

    Don certainly does some unique work. I used to frequent his site regularly years ago to see what he was building.
  11. lkortkamp

    Archive through December 31, 2017

    Well, over the weekend I was able to get the 127 on all four wheels. Blasted/painted the rear rims, installed the new Carlisle turf tires. Looking purdy now. I tried to start it in single digits, but it won't spin it over fast enough. The pump is still holding it back. My 149 cranked...
  12. lkortkamp

    Archive through December 26, 2017

    I bought a nice running 1978 Onan 4K genset to hang on my Mack to power my race car trailer. I need to set up my garage so I can backfeed it for the house if the day comes. Been pretty lucky so far not needing it. 20 yrs back I had a Coleman 3500 and used it for the house once. I was only...
  13. lkortkamp

    Archive through December 20, 2017

    Ah, no wonder Carlisle is out of stock and can't ship tires til Feb 2018!! I found turf tires online, so should have them next week.
  14. lkortkamp

    Archive through December 20, 2017

    Well I can see why it sounds like suction cups........it's covered in them with those deep pockets in the lugs. Bet they are great on slippery surfaces like ice!
  15. lkortkamp

    Archive through December 20, 2017

    I fired up the 127 last night and turned it around under the nose of my race trailer(gooseneck) so I could get the rear tires off. They are shot. Got them dismounted and ready to blast them. The inside of the rims are perfect and the ink stamped part number is still perfect. I only have to...
  16. lkortkamp

    Archive through December 20, 2017

    GoPro was the real big hit about 6-7 yrs ago for portable video recording. They have refined it and added lots of upgrades. I have my friends Hero model with remote control. I also have the app on my phone to control it. https://gopro.com/
  17. lkortkamp

    Archive through December 18, 2017

    I missed out on that QA42A THROWER last week. Guess I'll have to prep the 149 and get the deck off and get the blade mounted? I haven't pushed any snow for 2 yrs now. I just didn't get around to getting the 149 ready. Ohio hasn't gotten much snow to worry about. Should I roll the dice...
  18. lkortkamp

    Archive through December 18, 2017

    The key location/set up on all these tractors are horrible. Who came up with this? I'm skinny and long legged and have problems getting my hands down there to operate the key sometimes. Put gloves on and you can't get your fingers on the key. The headlight switch is no winner either.
  19. lkortkamp

    Archive through December 16, 2017

    The hold down is a piece of flat plate, likely not original? I looked at the parts list for the 127 and tried to determine if the line drawing was a bent piece or what. I guess it is suppose to hold the battery back against the dash panel(or whatever you want to call it). The hold down now is...
  20. lkortkamp

    Archive through December 14, 2017

    Well, I got the 127 running today. I picked up a new battery, 320cc instead of 240cc. Figured I could use all I can get with as hard as it was turning over. It still cranked hard, but realized it was getting no fuel. It still has all the old fuel line, plug, everything from when I brought...