Well-known member
I mentioned having acquired another project, and here is my thread to document it. Unfortunately not a Cub Cadet, I haven't seen many around here lately. But this is an early example of a National reel mower. This was actually given to me as a Christmas gift. Unfortunately I was told that the previous owner sold off its mower reels years prior and regretted it. It's still pretty cool without them. With all 3 reels it would've had an 84" cut. Like my other National they were positioned with 2 of them mid mounted "wings" and the third center one mounted at the rear.
Engine is a Wisconsin AENL, rated at what I found to be 9.2 horsepower at 3600 rpm, so quite a bit of engine to be pulling over by hand. Was complete, not locked up, had compression, and the magneto sounded like it was functioning properly. All 4 tires a little cracked but still holding air. The main drive clutch was rusted stuck in the engaged position. It has a 2 speed rear end and belt driven reverse directly off the engine. Unfortunately this was right in the middle of a bad wind storm and we lost power, so I did not get to work on it right away.

Engine is a Wisconsin AENL, rated at what I found to be 9.2 horsepower at 3600 rpm, so quite a bit of engine to be pulling over by hand. Was complete, not locked up, had compression, and the magneto sounded like it was functioning properly. All 4 tires a little cracked but still holding air. The main drive clutch was rusted stuck in the engaged position. It has a 2 speed rear end and belt driven reverse directly off the engine. Unfortunately this was right in the middle of a bad wind storm and we lost power, so I did not get to work on it right away.