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on a different topic for my 1872 I have bought some PPG cub cadet yellow, white, and black paints, using this paint code chart. I'm getting ready to make her look brand new. what would the opinion be if I were to paint the tractor all yellow and black wheels, would I be labeled a heretic or a non-purist? or could I get away with a retromod with a newer style paint scheme. I have an opportunity here to make it my own signature and I would like some opinions from you all without getting lynched from the highest yard arm in cub land, thanks.


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what would the opinion be if I were to paint the tractor all yellow and black wheels, would I be labeled a heretic or a non-purist? or could I get away with a retromod with a newer style paint scheme. I have an opportunity here to make it my own signature and I would like some opinions from you all without getting lynched from the highest yard arm in cub land, thanks.
Back some years - then yes. The "Correct Police" would be screaming from the roof tops... but many of us would be saying, "it's your tractor.. Go for it!" I think now most of the guys here are more laid back, there are still a few from the police department around.. But they don't have the power they used to. I always felt the golden rule applies, He who spends the gold makes the rules! Go for it!
So the paint scheme you describe is that of the new XT1/XT2


The new XT3 uses a more traditional paint scheme with the cream wheels, but yellow hood and black deck.

yes, the XT1/XT2 paint style. i think my 1872 would look the part as a modernized classic with a new paint style. and seeing how my CCC is not a true IHCC i feel more at peace within myself doing some changes to the tractor,
I would feel NO shame that your "CCC" super was not made at a IH factory. It DOES have the IH "DNA", and actually they are BETTER than the IH produced 82 series. For a short period, MTD actually made good upgrades, and didn't wholly cheapen the brand right up to the end of the Cyclops. After 1997, I'm not interested in any Cub Cadets.
on a different topic for my 1872 I have bought some PPG cub cadet yellow, white, and black paints, using this paint code chart. I'm getting ready to make her look brand new. what would the opinion be if I were to paint the tractor all yellow and black wheels, would I be labeled a heretic or a non-purist? or could I get away with a retromod with a newer style paint scheme. I have an opportunity here to make it my own signature and I would like some opinions from you all without getting lynched from the highest yard arm in cub land, thanks.
Well Mark - I'm not a member of the Correct Police but I do like reporting incidents to them. As you noted your 1872 is not actually an IHCC unit so I guess I really can't say to much, except as 1811 pointed out, it does have the blood lines to IH. I have to say I don't care for the black/yellow paint scheme. If you think about it, the paint scheme will take you to the "modern" era for which the tractors really don't have a very good reputation. I would think you would want to associate your tractor to the era of real tractors and stick with what the IH Gods provided us.

That's my story and I'm stickin' to it. :fencing:
wow 1811cub and hydroharry i feel exactly what you are saying on both points of view the purist in me wants to keep the DNA strain alive and the other side of me wants to create my own signature. so you guys sharing with me is greatly appreciated. i will be seriously thinking about what you two have shared. hydroharry says I would think you would want to associate your tractor to the era of real tractors and stick with what the IH Gods provided us. this really weighs heavy with me thank you.
If my memory serves me correctly, CCC was actually aided by IH in taking over the Cub Cadet line. So it's as close as you can get I'd think.
I respect your motivation, and the tractor is yours to do with as you see fit. Updated specialty paint schemes can be done within the confines of historic colors if one chooses to do so. I can't get over this one. It makes me wish my 782 was red instead of yellow n white.

I want them all.

...but where would I put them? I'm still trying to figure out how to justify a $3000+ shed to hold my $100 Cub Cadet.
If you have the $3000, then I'd just do it. Justification can be several reasons from participating in a hobby to preserve these great machines for future enthusiasts, owning them because you simply like them, or that they still get the job done and you actually use them as IH/CCC intended, as I do. I have 6, but more could be on the way!
I would feel NO shame that your "CCC" super was not made at a IH factory. It DOES have the IH "DNA", and actually they are BETTER than the IH produced 82 series. For a short period, MTD actually made good upgrades, and didn't wholly cheapen the brand right up to the end of the Cyclops. After 1997, I'm not interested in any Cub Cadets.
I second that... the early CCC's are pretty nice and MTD took a rugged tractor and finessed it to better suit the masses. But... they did cheap out on some things, some of which may have been overkill when IH produced them.
Don't get me wrong, I love my 100 and 1450... but after scoring this 1864 and using it the past 2 days...wow!!!... it's like taking my 1450, supercharging it and making everything work silky smooth.

As far as paint, do what you want. You can always get another and keep it original. 🤪
It's a later model, so go with your mods.
Now if you were talking about a NF cub, that would be altogether different. All NF cubs should be painted yellow and white, just like when they were born. If not, then.......... :bottom:
That's my opinion, and i'm sticking to it! Right, Harry? :errrr:
It's a later model, so go with your mods.
Now if you were talking about a NF cub, that would be altogether different. All NF cubs should be painted yellow and white, just like when they were born. If not, then.......... :bottom:
That's my opinion, and i'm sticking to it! Right, Harry? :errrr:
Yup, absolutely agree. The only exception is that engines can be black which generally indicates a replacement, but it can be overhauled and painted black to. No penance is due or collected. :old:
well guys this is my one and only SGT I want to make it the center piece of my collection and I am trying to make it the best it can be. surly all of your opinions are very important to me! I am now certain I will go all original colors now after considering the various inputs I have received from you all. and reign in my thoughts of changing the tractors character form what it is to what it could be. as far as getting another SGT well most likely not, you see I have a 1969 IHCC 125 with 48" deck that is up next for restore this winter. and furthermore, I recently bought a case 444 with cat0 implements just like the one I had on the farm as a young man. it is 3rd. in line for restore. so as of now I have a lot of tractors to deal with probably years' worth. hope you all be around the site long enough to see them come true. I will try to get the wheels and tires done this or next weekend on the 1872 then follow up with the extreme addons. will keep posting as it comes together.
I'm not aware of a nickname for the CCC 18 and 2072 series SGT. Years back there was info flying around discussing them as being a Cub Cadet on steroids. I felt like that was a good way to describe them. I did wonder if there was any kind of industry standard for a tractor to be classified as an SGT, and I'm not really sure they are standards or just classifications or something similar. In general I had heard that Garden Tractors (not SGTs) had to have 12" rear wheels, a frame, and ability to handle ground engaging equipment, in order to be classified as a "Garden" Tractor. Never heard of something similar for the SGT.

One thing that I think PACub100 may have been referring to that I really didn't like about my 1872, was the cheapening of the fender pan. CCC did away with the side stiffeners as well as most of the battery box. If you leaned on the fender you could see it flex down slightly. Never happen on the earlier IHCC fender pan like the 1x8/9 or Quiet Line series (but I never looked at the pan on an 82 series or even a 982). I'm assuming the 82 series was the same as the 1x8/9 and Quiet Line.

So, nickname is really up to you. I don't recall the deck you may have for the 1872 but if it's the 60" Haban you can call it "Monster". :errrr:
P.S. so apparently some people don't like caps, sorry I will try to stop for those people... but understand why before being critical of me for doing so. it is a force of habit. if you read my profile, you will know that I work on aircraft for a living, CAPS ARE MANDATORY WHERE I WORK, for clarity and no misunderstanding of the letter that is being written in an official signoff return to service of airworthy aircraft.
WHO REALLY CARES WHAT OTHERS THINK MAN!!!!!!!!!!! Do what you want to do, it's your post!