"This guy looks like he's havin way to much fun!"
You notice he doesn't need a rear weight box, I wonder why.
On another subject I found this on one of the homebuilt aircraft engine groups:
"I got one of those B&S vertical shaft v-twins 40 cu. in. that are auctioning out on Ebay for about $100 plus shipping. I wanted to tinker with something to replace my old Rotax powered Max. I converted it to horizontal with a new sump pickup and intake manifold. It seems to run fine and weighs out at 75 lb. not including prop...... So far I've run it for 2 hours at 3100 rpm which is all the prop will let it do. This is just tinkering and I am open to all criticism and ideas as to longevity and cooling. Oil pressure is stock at 50 lbs. It runs a muffler and shrouds but no fan. Vibration is not excessive, about like a Rotax 277 I have not balanced anything yet.... I will probably get a 26 hp. 44 cube model 445777 in the end....... I will not modify the engine for performance as that would not be realistic.... I do like the fact that the engine has a starter and 20 amp generator and mag ignition. The 445777 sells for $200 in "not running" condition. My 405777 in the same condition had a plugged jet and was almost new but was still a gamble. My goal is performance equal to the 277 Rotax, as humble as that is. I am just a fairweather flier."
So my question is are there some bargain verticle shaft Kohlers out there that could be switched around to run on their side?? Is this even a possiblity?
"This guy looks like he's havin way to much fun!"
You notice he doesn't need a rear weight box, I wonder why.

On another subject I found this on one of the homebuilt aircraft engine groups:
"I got one of those B&S vertical shaft v-twins 40 cu. in. that are auctioning out on Ebay for about $100 plus shipping. I wanted to tinker with something to replace my old Rotax powered Max. I converted it to horizontal with a new sump pickup and intake manifold. It seems to run fine and weighs out at 75 lb. not including prop...... So far I've run it for 2 hours at 3100 rpm which is all the prop will let it do. This is just tinkering and I am open to all criticism and ideas as to longevity and cooling. Oil pressure is stock at 50 lbs. It runs a muffler and shrouds but no fan. Vibration is not excessive, about like a Rotax 277 I have not balanced anything yet.... I will probably get a 26 hp. 44 cube model 445777 in the end....... I will not modify the engine for performance as that would not be realistic.... I do like the fact that the engine has a starter and 20 amp generator and mag ignition. The 445777 sells for $200 in "not running" condition. My 405777 in the same condition had a plugged jet and was almost new but was still a gamble. My goal is performance equal to the 277 Rotax, as humble as that is. I am just a fairweather flier."
So my question is are there some bargain verticle shaft Kohlers out there that could be switched around to run on their side?? Is this even a possiblity?