Here's my 1972 Cub Cadet 108 i got in january as a Rusty NON-Running tractor with snow blower. Freed up locked up motor & snowblower,new paint & decals,changed blower pulley(for more speed) Mounted blower and found hood would not open fully,cut welds on outlet shroud and angled down & reweld,installed headlights & rear light,made an upblast exhaust from stock muffler,

added tire chains & rear weight box,installed wheels on snow blower because i have a gravel driveway,,mounted my mascot who kept me company when i was in a coma 12yrs ago......

added tire chains & rear weight box,installed wheels on snow blower because i have a gravel driveway,,mounted my mascot who kept me company when i was in a coma 12yrs ago......
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