Every spring we subsoil one of the many alpaca pastures. This one has hard pan about 6-12” down. I use a single point subsoiler with hydraulic top link to make in cab adjustments. I like the single point for maneuverability and will make 2’ passes in a manner to catch rain runoff. We recently sold an older horse manure spreader in favor of a mill creek mini spreader. That too wasn’t suitable for alpaca dung compost as it struggles with dispersing fines. We came across this ABI elite spreader and it’s great because it’s basically a drop spreader with chute control and has mixing paddles to grind up the compost for uniform material delivery. I like to spread before subsoiling as to not drive over the slits closing them up. The goal is to introduce organic material deeper into the soil and eliminate the wait time if I had to rip, disc, and seed the pasture. We seem to fair pretty well doing it this way and no potential for weeds.
Anyway back to the 782 with lift. The ABI spreader has front drive wheels and to turn the thing you need to lift the front off the ground. With it being a small spreader I figured a garden tractor could lift it off the ground and the 782 delivered. Rant over here are the pics:
Anyway back to the 782 with lift. The ABI spreader has front drive wheels and to turn the thing you need to lift the front off the ground. With it being a small spreader I figured a garden tractor could lift it off the ground and the 782 delivered. Rant over here are the pics: