HI BUCK HERE, I WOULD SUGGEST TRY THIS,RUN IT UNTILL IT QUITS, IMMEDIATELY TRY TURNNG THE ENGINE OVER BY HAND, IS IT STIFF, IDENTIFY YOUR ISSUE, IS IT RUNNING OUT OF RUNNING CLEARANCE, STIFF RINGS, SEIZING EXH VALVE, OUT OF FUEL U SAY IT HAS PLENTY OF FUEL, DOES IT HAVE SPARK?? AS SOON AS IT QUITS TEST FOR SPARK, sorry my finger bumps caps lock and i dont spot it rt away, if you eliminate whats wor4rking, then whats left is whats not working, back when i worked on briggs i used to test mags by turning the flywheel by hand, if it was sharp i cud tell what it needed, capacitor, points filing, whateber, cant do that anymore, pacemaker,, if it has a flywheel, as soon as it quits, get plug wire in one hand and, gently turn the flywheel sharpness will tell you if u have a week spark, if you have a wico impulse type magneto, dont do that!!!!!!!, it will screw your penis into the ground like a screw type dog stake, take my word for it dont hold an impulse magneto and turn it!!!!!