Most of us need a hauler of some kind.I chose wagon over trailer because I can unhook it while loaded if need be. The frame is a typical older rider.The rear end is a stick trans so all levers removed and put in neutral .The frame is obvious but it was scrap from a farm...The front: by switching front wheel axles the steering brackets face fwd.The connecting rod still fits. A swivel point is necessary under the frame and connecting rod from wheel to bracket is from old steering rod(not pretty but functional) ..The tongue is 3/8 flat stock.The bottom purchased new is steel (16ga.) cost $70. The side boards from my wood supply are red oak...The average older mower weighs around 400 lb so this wagon should be good for at least 800 lb.Thats a lot of dirt ,rocks, brush, or firewood.....I' just hate to scrap out metal if I can find a use.....