I am working to restore my 1981 IH Cub Cadet 782. The hole in the shaft that comes out of the front of the hydro pump (which then connects to the driveshaft) appears to be egged out/elongated from wear. See the picture I've attached. It is worn to the point that the spiral pin cannot be tightly held by the shaft. It seems to me that only the coupling assembly yoke (PN 903-0794) is what is holding the spiral pin from falling out of the shaft. I have been told that this is not a common problem and that normally the yoke wears out in the manner that I am talking about. This problem means that the spiral pin has a bit of play in it. The hydro pump shaft can rock back and forth against the spiral pin. I believe this will cause the spiral pin to break more easily. Eventually, the hydro pump shaft hole could expand to the point where the shaft breaks as well.
Does anyone have ideas for a fix for this? I wondered about swapping in an entirely new (used) hydro, but they are hard to find. Any sources for a used hydro? Thanks in advance.

Does anyone have ideas for a fix for this? I wondered about swapping in an entirely new (used) hydro, but they are hard to find. Any sources for a used hydro? Thanks in advance.