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Geez.. Talk about getting your panties in a wad!

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Active member
Sep 13, 2002
Paul Mackesy
Got on the SimpletrACtor clubhouse site this morning(yeah,the one that charges $10.00 yearly dues)only to find everything locked down!

According to the info onsite there are -
Simplicity & Allis-Chalmers Garden Tractor Club, Inc. Statistics
Total Members: 4424

I'm not sure how many are full dues paying members.Iv'e heard anywhere from 400 to 700 and I happen to be one of them.
This all has to do with a membership vote to override a decision to kick a member out of the club.

Poll Question:
Should the decision of the Executive Committee regarding Dutch be overridden?

Here is the message for all visitors.

Congratulations, Malcontents! Posted by Kent (04/21/2005 through 05/21/2005)
This message is for all you dishonest members who thought you could gain something by messing with the voting.

160 votes were cast overnight --
since that is over 100 more "votes", than voters who have even visited the club since the vote started, its obvious someone is tampering.

Since our method is not "foolproof", and half of you are gonna cry if Dutch isnt let back in, I've advised Kent to unlock Dutch's membership, and give him full acess to NOTHING.

By that I mean full acess to a club that should be shut down completely until proper methods can be installed. If it takes the full length of my 2 year term before the club is brought back online, SO BE IT.

I've advised Kent to go ahead and "PULL THE PLUG." Its up to him and him only now. A FEW of you, have taken ALL of you out of the equation as far as I'm concerned.

One way or the other, I will not have dishonest members in the club who would purposely cheat the club out of a fair vote.

If I were Kent, after all this bull, I would just pull the plug and walk away, with absolutely no effort toward restarting anything.

Good Luck All!


Simplicity & Allis-Chalmers Garden Tractor Club, Inc. © 2004 by Simple trACtors, LLC
And Kents comments are as follows-

Posted - 04/21/2005 : 13:29:14

I am getting overloaded with "What the HE** happened" questions. Here is a nutshell.

At 1:00 AM this morning, the vote was:
125 Yes
103 No

At 6:30 AM or so, this morning, the vote was:
259 Yes
104 No

Someone was obviously stuffing the ballot box, and you can easily see which way they were trying to influence it. If you want to see proof for yourself that tampering has been going on, go to the Membership List for all users. Sort it by "Last Visited." There are more votes cast then there are members who have visited the site in the last five days.

The real question becomes "Where do we go from here?"

My honest answer is that I don't know. I'm sick of dealing with those who openly and intentionally refuse to "play by the rules." And, I'm sick of those who would tolerate them or make excuses for them...

Long ago I was chosen to sit on the Honor Council at the USAF Officer Training School, responsible for enforcing the clear, simple honor code used at OTS and the Air Force Academy. It says:

I will not lie, cheat nor steal -- nor will I tolerate those among us who do.

Under those rules, those who knew of dishonesty and overlooked it, or didn't report it, or made excuses for it (of any kind), were just as guilty as those who were being dishonest. I have voted to discharge potential officers for simply not reporting something that they knew to be wrong...

I will not associate myself knowingly with what has been going on here -- where the end justifies the means, regardless of what it takes to get there....

I hope each of you takes advantage of this "quiet time" to look around you, closely, and then to look at yourself in the mirror -- then draw your own conclusions about the value of "playing by the rules."
The foot-draggin' Clubhouse Custodian...

So I guess 4,424 SimpletrACtor members are being sent to the corner for a little quiet time!
Paul -

Makes the issues around here seem petty, eh?

Thankfully, noone has to vote for the <FONT COLOR="ff0000">Democracy of Two&#153;</FONT>, they just have to accept that this is our board
Yes,I think most users "here" do not have a problem with that.
It was that way there too,
but then it was decided that the forum should be "independant" .
Thus, dues were charged($10.00)for full access and "officers" chosen to run the club. But yet two years later it is apparently a fake indepenance as Kent still has the unilateral power to do as he wishes, including locking out all the forums to any/all membership!

Just leaves me feeling kinda scamed!
My 3 cents on the SimpletrACtor deal.
Since I don't have a clue what the big hubbub was really about other that the vote thing and I'm sure there's more to it, grin
BUT, the SimpletrACtor is a huge site and takes a HUGE amount of time and energy to maintain. I personally see nothing wrong with charging. Heck the WFM charges on a voluntary bases, I think all forum type sites should do the same and open things up for all paying members to be free. Ya know, for 5 bucks a year, I think it would be a hell of a good idea. And not that difficult to weed out the free loaders that take advantage of the services that normally would be only for paying members.
You figure 1 or 2000 members at 5 bucks a year and figure that MAYBE 40% would pay. Things could and would expand.

Just my 3 cents, grin
I don't think paying dues to cover the costs is a bad idea and I have paid them the past two years without complaint.
Just kind a rubs me the wrong way that the whole thing can be locked down to all 4,424 users in an instant for any reason at all.
Paul M,
I spose that would be one advantage of owning the site. It's been done to larger and better sites that ST's. Sad but true.
I agree with Paul 100%. It has gotten worse over there, to say the least. And the $10 isn't the issue, it's darned cheap for what is there.

*LOL* but then most of my help comes from Paul.

Thanks for the link Paul.

I would also agree. I have said for years that if ihcubcadet.com would charge 10 bucks a year, there would be a lot more money in Bucks coffer than the way he does it now. I would love to be a paying member here, but I just can't afford the regular membership rate. I would love to be able to post "for sale" items, from time to time, not just at X-mas when they open it up (which is very nice of them:eek:))

I don't think you need to establish a club, it is like having a membership to a gym, you pay to get in, but that does not mean you have any say (but you can suggest) in how it is run.

Just my 5 cents worth

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