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Well-known member
Oct 31, 2002
Bryan D. McMeen, Keeper of the Holy Hy-Tran
Well, I went ahead and did it - I severed my ties to Outlook (Lookout!!) and IE and went with Thunderbird and Firefox.

If you're interested, the links for each are:

Thunderbird mail
Firebird web browser

It might have been easier for me since I have to use Mozilla or Netscrape tools on my Linux server, so I'm a bit more familiar with the "look and feel."

Give 'em a spin if you're adventurous enough and lemme know whatcha think. I already love the tabbed browsing feature.

If you have problems with either, post 'em here and perhaps I can help.
I tried Firefox on one of my computers and it seems to work well. I too like the tabbing. I wish it had the Full Screen button in the upper tool bar. I have to lean foward to hit the F11 key!
I have used Eudora lite and Netscrape for years. I never did like Internet Exploder it Lookout at all.

I'm thinking of changing my OS over to Lynx. THe only problem is will it be compatable with all the kiddy games that come home???
I've had Moz & Firebird for a long time but I still like my ol 'scape better ... at least it doesn't look for a newer version everytime I fire it up. I started with Netcape and will always take it over IE even though some things wont show up. IE has more of the "wont shows" though !
I took all the IE crap off one old computer that I had intended to use as my CNC 'puter. Man did it free up a lot of hard drive !!!

I figure (and I told da Rev this once) that the only reason ppl use IE is because they don't know any better. They use it because it came on the machine and they don't know that they have a choice or don't know that they can install a different browser without tearing up their machine. To use IE's Outlook is just <strike>asking</strike> begging for trouble !!
oh and you can make your own splash screen to use on Mozilla too ... kinda reminds me of the Garage ;)

I'd like to switch to Linux too but since I know nothing about the different format --- forget it
Amen brothers!

Denny T -

What I'd really like it to do is to save a set of tabs as a "view" bookmark. Like setting up all one's news sites into one bookmark that'll open as tabs with just one window. Maybe it does do that, I just haven't hit the discussion groups yet.

And get yourself a wireless keyboard - no more leaning!

Tedd -

As far as Linux, you won't be able to run the kiddy games until someone starts writing them to run on Linux. Just like you won't be able to run them on a Mac unless there's a Mac version. Running Windows ON Linux is possible, depends on how deep your pockets are for supporting software or education

Ken -

Most of the stuff you want is likely available in Firefox, too. Remember that things that make it into Mozilla's offerings end up in Netscrape eventually. And I could swear that there's a skin for Firefox that makes it look like Mozilla. Maybe it's not compatible with version 1.0 yet.

Outlook (as comes with Office) has a major flaw with regards to IMAP mail servers that aren't using M$ Exchange (go figure!). The strange thing is that Outlook Express doesn't have this issue. Unfortunately, though, Thunderbird (nor Mozilla/Netscrape's builtin e-mail) isn't very compatible with syncing a calendar or contact list to a PDA.
Ken -

I misread your post - you can easily uncheck the boxes for automatically checking for Firefox or theme/extension updates. At least they give you the choice.

However, I will say, you CAN make it look like the older versions

Tedd, get a removable hard drive receiver bay with 2 hard drive trays. I put one in my PC I use a 160GB HD with WIN XP for video capture the other HD is a 40GB with WIN 98 that my wife uses. I also use the WIN 98 HD for scanning, the scanner won't run on XP. At work I use Netscape and Outlook but I won't touch Outlook Express.
Or get VMware and run it on your Linux OS. When you need to run one of those Windows games, boot a Virtual WinXP machine inside you Linux box...
I didn't know anyone still used Microsoft software...

News to me... Just wishful thinking!

I have used Tbird since 0.4 PRetty rough back then but has gotten much better since about 0.7.3

I have always run Firefox from the beginning of its evolution mainly because I was running Mozilla suite anyway and thought it would be neat to try. It has come quite a long way too.

Remember if you like these products it wouldn't hurt to donate to their development... Our company donates and both Tbird and Firefox are the stardard here. Granted we are not some HUGE conglomerate but 122 users is a decent size anyway.

It was tough getting IE junkies to use Firefox though.... I will say that.

I run Dual boot systems at work and home and our servers are Half Suse Linux based and Half Windows based. Good mix.
VMware would be great if they still offered the "personal" edition. But $189 is a bit much for the house. And with EMC in the driver's seat, I don't think we'll ever see a cheaper edition.

And WINE leaves a bit to be desired...
Question for the geeks........
Looking at Bryans message about SMUABCLHIIMNIENAL SSUHGOGPE!S!TION I couldn't figure out what it was all about, made no sense at all. Using Foxfire 1.0 on a LCD monitor all the letters were the same size varying only as bold and normal. SUB... being bold. Now using the same browser on a CRT monitor the wording was clear as can be. SUB... being a larger font. Using IE on the LCD the bold and normal are reversed from Foxfire. Anyone have a idea whats going on here??? How did it appear when you wrote it Bryan?
John G. -

Strange. I'm using Foxfire 1.0 here, but on a 19" Dell Trinitron and it appears fine. At work is a 21" HP, which also displayed correctly.

Essentially, the letters in SUBLIMINAL SUGGESTION appeared as they do here. Between the letters in SUBLIMINAL SUGGESTION was the words <font size="-2">MACHINE SHOP</font>, using a smaller fontsize. <font size="-2">MACHINE SHOP</font> should appear smaller here, too. If not, you might want to tweak your fontsize settings in Firefox.
Bryan, Here's a screen shot of your last message using Print Screen and dumping to Paint. This was using IE 6 on a LCD Samsung 172N. Notice the fonts of the words. On my oldie in the shop it looks as you intended it to be on both IE & F.F. It must be a graphics card glitch.

John... Who now wonders what is real & what isn't

John G. -

That's KEWL in an odd sort of way

One wouldn't think that a vid driver would do such a thing, cuz it's all just pixels - the driver shouldn't know or care what font's being displayed unless it was in a console or DOS mode. Bizarre...
John change monitors and see if it does the same thing on that cpu ... like B said it shouldn't matter with the card. Of course the monitor / LCD shouldn't care either ... you're weired dude ;)
Well I just played musical monitors. The problem stays with the computer. I downloaded the most recent vid drivers and no difference. There sure are some quirks in Windoze.
That made me feel better.
