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Dear Santa ... (everybody's wish post)

IH Cub Cadet Tractor Forum

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This years wish is that someone who appreciates cub cadets come to the Island for a visit !!
it could happen
I am hopeing Santa will get me A bigger air compressor and a sandblaster cabinet. I am good about 50% of the time so either one would be o k.
Let's see.... how about the parts I need to restore my 149:

Super steer front axle
New tires
Steering box rebuild parts
Hydro linkage rebuild parts
Somebody to weld in the worn trunnion

And just for fun:

An American Fender Telecaster with an ash body and maple neck, and a nice American made tube amp to go with it, maybe a Twin Reverb...
Oh, I'm not picky, a new one would be just fine.
Well I have almst evreything for the new plow tractor, but a 10" Brinly plow besides that a hydraulic lift for the 100 would be good too, oh and before you go bringin me anything make sure Hunter(son) has a good first Christmas(don't worry bout a shotgun thugh daddy already got it)....lol...Bad huh fellas 8 months old and the proud owner of a 870 Super Magnum
Santa better hurry up an order one of those Challengers for me.......
I got my Christmas wish yesterday, although it didn't come from Santa.

Some of you may know my wife had Colon Cancer back in 98, she was able to beat it but the radiation and chemo destroyed most of her insides. Life for her has been almost a constant downward spiral with constant infections and hospital stays. Last month while in the hospital with another infection she almost lost all kidney functions and organs were starting to shut down. They were able to stop the infection with massive antibiotics but at the time they said she couldn't stand another hit.

All her doctors agreed the only chance she had was a major surgery which had a slim chance due to the damage from the radiation.

Yesterday 3 surgeons and 5 hours later they were able to rebuild her with a good chance for a better quality of life.

Going to be a great Christmas here.
Richard C - Congrats to you & your bride for the good news, good outlook. It really puts my materialistic Christmas wishes to shame! May 2008 be a great, healthy year for all.
I just want to have time to spend with my friends and family and work on my tractors before I have to come back to Daytona. I also want safe, uneventful travel tomorrow as I come home. I want this ice crap to stay far enough away from Chicago Midway so I can get home at a reasonable time. I also want a bunch of snow to move with my tractors. I guess I better stop before I get greedy here....
Matt - You really ought to watch the weather ... you'll be heading into ICE at the airport... so the forecaster says.

Richard - See there is a Santa Clauss.
Give her a hug fer me and tell her Welcome to a new life.
Richard, great to hear that. Have a Blessed Christmas!
i hope to be able to paint and repair my Original and my 100 and my 129 with loader and my 149...well i`ll be happy just to get 1 of the cubs painted and the rest repaired. and do hope to be writing the same good will next year this time to all. Merry X mas and a great and healthy New Year
Rich C. THAT is absolutely FANTASTIC NEWS!!!! Angel & I will surely be keeping you and your sweetheart in our daily prayers.

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