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Compact Flash Cards

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Well-known member
Aug 15, 2006
Wyatt Compton
My digital camera is a Powershot A60, it's a 2 megapixel camera with the ability to take 320x240 video with sound. It uses Compact Flash media. I'm probably just going to pick up a 256mb card (I've got a 16mb that came with the camera) and am wondering if it's worth spending the $60 for a 512mb card. Anyone bought a 256mb card and wish they had bought more?
I've got a 1GB CF in my Axim PDA. Plenty of room

I have a 512MB CF kicking around the house somewhere for my old Kodak, but my new Kodak takes SD, so I've got a 512MB SD (biggest available at the time) for that.

There are 4GB CFs around, but I'd wait til the prices come down on those. If they ever do.
Our Pentax is a 4.0 megapixel. I bought a 256 before our trip to Ireland and London last summer. I didn't have access to our computer to download and empty the disk for the two weeks, and ended up buying another one in Ireland. Yes, I wish I had bought the 512 at the time, especially with the dollar/euro exchange rate at the time. At home, I can download the stuff and delete it from the camera disk, so it isn't a problem.