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Archive through November 14, 2018

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Jun 22, 2002
Park Rapids Mn.
In preparing the 122 and cc42 for it's very soon approaching winter chores I found the shear pin broken on the thrower. Did Cub Cadet make shear pins for this? I've been using 5/16 all thread.
Mike H.
Supposed to be a grade 5 bolt.

All thread breaks before the bolt, so I'd stick to that if your prone to jamming it up now and then.
Hey Larry - I did a little looking and research into Charlie's list of Manual PTO bearings. He actually shows 4. The first 3 include the locking collar and the 4th one is just the bearing.

But here's my take overall:

The first 2 bearings show the same part numbers but the 2nd one says "OEM" in the description. However, when you look at the pics they both look the same. I believe Charlie intended the pic he shows for the 3rd bearing to be for the 2nd bearing because the pic of the 3rd bearing shows the part number for the 2nd bearing.

The 3rd bearing doesn't have much description. If you look up the part number this bearing only comes up as being used in the Wide Frame Model 86. That sure seems odd to me. I thought all the Kohler engines with these PTOs used the same bearing. Also, this part number says it's the bearing "without" the locking collar - But Charlie's description says it includes the locking collar. The 4th bearing listed just below it shows the same part number but says it doesn't include the locking collar.

So overall Charlie may have a little mix up in his listings here. (Now I'm sure Charlie is going to just love me).
Be a lot easier and less complicated to use PN/ IH-60071-C91 IH-60071-C92 and forget trying to over think it.

And yes Harry, the IH-586609-R92/93 is just for the 86.
Hey Charlie - I agree with you. Just use PN/ IH-60071-C91 IH-60071-C92 and forget about it.

I was gonna recommend it to Larry but then thought I'd better wait to see what you said.
I just sitting here recovering from having a new total knee replaced, watching CMA awards seeing all those pretty women makes me wanna get up and do some hot footing
Charlie, both are/was bone on bone, right was worst so done it first, gonna do left early Feb. Have to schedule so wife will be around.

Should be good to go before April 1 after therapy.
Notes taken. I'll get a list started and get stuff ordered.

Thanks Harry and Charlie.
The temp warmed up enough to get rid of the snow, so I was able to do the lawn one last time. Now the leaves are done and gone. Next week it is suppose to get into the 40s, so then the snow blower can go on and I will be ready for the white stuff.
Earl L
When I lose stuff,it's usually because I put it in a place I know I will remember where I put it. Then when I need it, I can't remember where that place was!
For the past 2 days I've tried to start the 169, but each time the cylinder fires. It brings the rotations to a stop. Seems the compression release is a bit early to me...
OK, Mike, this isn't funny anymore. For what it's worth, I'd recheck the points. The Carter Carb settings are the same for the K321 and 341. Humor me and recheck the points setting?
If we could get Wayne out of the Politics part of the Garage, maybe he has an idea. I think a bad head gasket can cause your symptoms.
Okay Frank. I'll check the points just because.
The head gasket is new as is most of the parts in the motor. Head was fly cut on the mill before it was bolted in place.
Mike my 169 done the same thing yours is doing. I had the points set on 20 thousands. I sat the engine out for working on the tractor and before reinstalling the engine I static timed the engine and checked the points and they were on 16 thousands. It starts good and easy now on second revolution. Just my 02c

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