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Archive through December 17, 2004

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Jeff D- awesome slugs, man... don't catch the curb as you're throwin' snow- if you do, you'll be replacing curb next spring!

Terry- if he was at 5.5v before, and 3v now, that's down to under 1/2v per cell... even at 5.5v, there wasn't any power to begin with. Slight chance that it'll charge back up if he runs it dead flat, then trickle charges it for a month, but other'n that, it sounds like to me that it's WAY gone.

Zak- if that battery is 'new', try and charge it with a 1A (max) charger, but disconnect one of the battery cables first. Put it in a warm place, and plan on leaving it on the trickle charger for (hmmm...) at least a week... (60Ah @ 1Ah charge rate = 60 hours, which will bring it from 9v to 13.8v... it'll take another 60 hours to get it from 3v to 9v)

It's easy to say 'scrape the white stuff off', but it ain't all white, and it ain't all that easy to see, and it ain't all that easy to scrape... and when you think you got it all, there's still some there. Baking soda and a toothbrush are a good start (on the battery posts). Don't get it IN the cells.

RE. capillary action- take a piece of #2 battery cable, put a bucket of salt-water in your basement, and hang that cable so the bottom 2" is submerged, flop the rest out on the floor. In a day or so, you'll see saltwater flowing out the other end, onto the basement floor. Now throw the cable away- it's shot. When I'm bored, I part-time at the marina up the street, and I deal with about 10 battery cables per year on boats... invariably someone pulls a battery out, and drops the cable down into the bilgewater... and they corrode. Funny thing is, they'll look perfectly fine on both ends, and when the customer complains, I take the cable, find the crunchy-spot in the middle, whack it in half with a hatchet, and shake green stuff out of the middle, onto their shoes. THEN they get the strange idea that I MIGHT know what I'm talking about. Same thing happens with the #0000 cables that go from the propulsion-inverter quick-disconnects down to the motor junction-box on your DC-Metro railcars and ACELA trainset. Little piece of ballast (rock) gets kicked up, nicks a cable, and a few days later, it's limping home with a dead phase.

You'd be surprised who ends up in Hugh Heffner's magazine... and you'd likely be surprised to find out that a good lot of the models you see in everyday media... do other sorts of modeling, too. One of my favorite articles was an interview with Ozzy Ozbourne's wife (she's his business manager). No, she didn't do any exposing poses (and it's a good thing) and it was long before "The Osbournes" TV show. Unlike Wendy O. Williams, if you've ever seen Ozzman in concert, you'll have seen enough of the family skin to not want to see more. Unfortunately, I don't have a subscription, and although there've been a few good articles, I'm not much of a leisure or fiction reader- I'm more into technical stuff, so I'm mostly interested in the pictures and the dirty jokes.
You need a subscription to PB? I just wait for one of my train-mates to show up at the station in the AM or get on the train home. He's in PB's IT department. One of his son's is a VP there, too. No shortage of calendars, mags and "coming attractions" news...

<font size="-2">I can see Tom H's truck now, sitting at the FRG station tomorrow morning, lying in wait...
I just don't understand all of you that felt the need to be prepared for snow removal *before* the snow flew. Real men wait until it is 9 degrees outside and 8" of lake-effect snow has fallen before taking off the mower deck, finding the chains, mounting said chains, digging out the blade, attaching the blade and then freezing your a** off because the sun has set and you're just getting started!

Who needs wheel weights or fancy weight brackets when you've fallen off of the "low-carb" bandwagon?
Dave, I'm out in the country. I have to go a couple miles to the nearest town to find curbs.

Kevin, What is this "low carb" you speak of?
I've always been a meat and potato guy.
Kevin- that's politely referred to as 'directable ballast'... and remember Dr. Atkins killed himself on that stupid diet...

Well, Jeff, with that bein' the case, if you start havin' too much fun, and you see a chunk'a curb show up in your winrow, you know you've plowed too far!
Jeff, same here - meat and potatoes, also pie, cake, ice cream, cookies. Top that off with a sedentary occupation and you won't need to add any weight to your IH tractor (to keep it on topic).

On a side note, I just received my ebay special new carb for my Briggs twin. I'm taking these two weeks off from work and (amongst other chores) hoping to get my 582 purring like a kitten once again.
Dave, Zack
I have no doubt the battery is shot. My suggestion of putting a charger on the battery was just for testing purposes. I think we should attempt to figure out what is wrong before potentially damaging another battery. Once we figure out whats wrong I would try to exchange the battery under warranty.

Unless of course you got it from one of the sponsers..... <font size="-2">they might be listening</font>
Uh-oh. It seems the screw-up fairy has visited me once again.

I got a charger, but I know I will manage to destroy something else with it. No auto-shutoff or anything like that, just this old boxy thing in the corner of the garage. Sure, i've seen those new fancy ones in the stores with all the blinking lights. I also see a pricetag...I know i'll use it alot and if I actually get this tractor running it will pay for itself, but I'm cautious. Besides, I'm sure the good people at Sears and Roebuck will be glad to exchange the battery and lose their 20 bucks. Maybe not glad, but I can force em', I got a little piece of paper that says so.

And I did do the tests with the probe on lead post.

My S/G smells like...Orange Mandarin Chicken....wait, I just dripped some sauce on my sweatshirt...smells like cold metal and rust. How fried is my S/G? Low? Deep fried? Re-fried? (I can't stop, even if its a horrible joke.) Really, can this be repaired or is the whole thing gonna need to be tossed?

I guess I always thought of capilary action as water going up a tube, not sideways or down. Sometimes I forget that you can't think about physical concepts in the real world until you think about it in some sort of perfect world, then work backwards. At least it works for me.

BTW, Metro still is hell to ride. Send some more people to fix that damn thing. Its oh so much fun when it breaks down now because these weird protestors have decided to roam around the cars, and they also have apparently decided not to use deoderant or shower, and they seem to like sitting right next to you even though its an empty car. Ok, you can't fix that, but thats my rant. As for PB, at least you are honest...
Here is the battery tender form Harbor Freight. I've used this for several years now and it always keeps the battery topped off for reliable winter starts, even in the coldest of Wisconsin winters. I think these go for around $15.00. It's a Chicago Electric brand, but says made in China (maybe made in Chinatown?). It is the least intrusive regarding installation, as nothing has to be fastened to the tractor.
Brian McMeen, Dave P.
Thanks for the info on my CW 36 snowblower for my cadet 100. Loosened the set screw, moved the pully, lined up exactly. Greased it up, fired up the tractor and the blower ran smooth. The temperature dropped to 1 below, but other than a little ice, no snow. I am sure it is coming. Thank you both for your help.
That's Chicago street, Shanghai David- next street is Pittsburgh street, then Central street, etc...
Don't remember who told me, or wether it was true... think it might've been my dad, back when he was carrying locked briefcases for the USN... that somewhere in Japan (UBE?) that changed a town name to Usa, so they could mark boxes as being "Made in Usa"... Probably BS, but I wouldn't put it past 'em to try!

Kevin- desk jobs are the REAL killer- if we'd be twistin' wrenches on our Cubs all day, every day, we wouldn't have time for so much eating (urp). But then again, isn't Plow Day somewhat of a 'sedimentary' occupation???

Zak- to keep a big charger from nukin' a small battery, set the charger on lowest power setting, and if it doesn't go down to 1A, cruise through your neighborhood and look for a HAM radio tower (it'll have lots of different-sized weird antennas). Knock on the door, ask for the "old man", tell him that KW0D (that's a zero) in EN41 dispatched you on a quest to restrict the free passage of electrons, then ask if he's got about a 10-ohm, 20-watt wirewound resistor, any tolerance you could beg-borrow-rent. If he's worked on an old radio in the last 10 years, there's probably one sitting in a pile on his workbench. As you leave, thank him, and say 73. He'll know what it means.

Connect that resistor between one of the battery posts and it's respective battery charger lead. That will limit current to an ampre or less. Next- borrow the away-from-home lamp timer from the livingroom, and hook it up to the charger, set it to charge for an hour or so at a time. This is the rough equivalent of a fancy charger... it won't boil your battery (and give it a bad case of out-gas).

When you get your battery situation resolved, and you get all the cables triple-checked, hook up one post (+), and before you hook up the other, make sure the keyswitch is off, tap the cable on the post, and see if there's a spark. If there is, you've got a short somewhere, probably in the voltage regulator. If the VR's shorted internally, disconnect and tape them wires, and we'll worry about the VR later. If it still sparks, there's a problem in the connections somewhere- check 'em again.
Does anybody know of a supplier for Cat 0 3-point lift arm leveling assemblies, or parts to build them? I can find plenty of Cat 1,2, and 3 parts but the Cat 0 parts are scarce. Any help appreciated.
Speeco is a good place to find cat 0 or 5\8 hole ball ends as well as pins etc. They are ready to help when you call and get it shipped out that day. There are more places but I have used speeco.
Hey guys – it’s been a while; not much time for cubbin’. Been busy at work, baby takes a lot of time at home, trying to get the farm established, hunting season, etc. I check in once in a while to see what you guys are up to…
I’ve got the week after Christmas off and I plan to do some wrenching at least one of those days. I have a 14 hp ready to drop into the 1250 smoker I bought this spring. Engine cradle is all modified, new vibration mounts are ready to go, and the steering box is rebuilt. I gotta get that thing running again!
Hi all! I need some chains for my 122 with thrower, and of course I've got no bucks. Anyone have a suggestion about where to buy or even a plan for making my own? I was thinking about casting my own cement weights. I stupidly thought with a flat driveway I wouldnt need them, yeah right! Dave
Speco has good parts but will not sell direct you have to go through a dealer or a place like F&F or TSC.I bought a lot of parts fot the cat-o hitches i make
I called the state and got a tax # and set up an account the same day it was not that hard. But that is Minnesota might be different elsewhere. If this is not an option for you find a local fleet farm store they might already have an account set up with them but I am sure there will be a mark up. If they do not have there book here are the ball end part #s