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IH Cub Cadet Forum

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  1. kweimann

    Carb rebuild kit for M 147 H

    FYI a K321 is 14 hp, hence the model number 147 denotes 14 hp, hydrostatic trans
  2. kweimann

    149 Starter Generator/Charging Woes

    Customer called me yesterday, she's working and charging great!
  3. kweimann

    149 Starter Generator/Charging Woes

    Well, I ordered the Correct, albeit Expensive Voltage Regultor off of Ebay and now she is charging just fine. A word to the wise, when I first started it up she spiked at 17 volts. I ran it for a few minutes like that, shut it off, then restarted it a few minutes later and she was at 14.7/14.8...
  4. kweimann

    149 Starter Generator/Charging Woes

    Why only 3 vdc from the field terminal?
  5. kweimann

    149 Starter Generator/Charging Woes

    Ironically, I get 3vdc from EITHER terminal to ground.
  6. kweimann

    Anyone up for a YouTube Live Stream?

    I usually go live weekly with a Small Engine Chat but would love to start a weekly IHCC LIVE Chat. The Yellow and White Fever is Back! I need to call Hydro Harry! Let me know I'd be glad to host it. [email protected] https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkanlTeBDTUwuCHV5ulpy8A
  7. kweimann

    149 Starter Generator/Charging Woes

    Working on a friend's 149 did 12 v test and S/G ramps up then brakes when F terminal is energized. VR hasn't worked in years. Was told the Armature stud on the S/G should be putting out 14 or more volts, it's only putting out 3 volts. Any ideas? VR is not connected, battery new and fully...
  8. kweimann

    Starter generator

    Working on a friend's 149 did 12 v test and S/G ramps up then brakes when F terminal is energized. VR hasn't worked in years. Was told the Armature stud on the S/G should be putting out 14 or more volts, it's only putting out 3 volts. Any ideas? VR is not connected, battery new and fully...
  9. kweimann

    My First Cub cadet!! Hello my name is Alan im in Upstate new york. I purchased this cub a couple weeks ago and im here to learn!!

    Welcome! That 70 looks like it’s in good shape. Judging from the gearbox and chute rod support it has a Snowthrower. Did you get that and a deck with the purchase?
  10. kweimann

    What started me off on this obsession 23 years ago.

    Once I bought this in March of 2000, I discovered the old Voyager Forum then Brian's new Forum, met a guy named Hydro Harry and have been hooked for 23 years now!
  11. kweimann

    Points cleaning?

    Visit Dave Kirk’s website, he is a Sponsor listed above, and buy a PointsSaver or Transdenser as they are called now. Will eliminate having to file the points in the future!
  12. kweimann

    Seat for cub cadet 122

    Someone told me that John Lang passed away, any truth to that?
  13. kweimann

    can't resist old iron

    Love the Hydraulic Lift Option!
  14. kweimann


    Any US car or truck made from 1974-1988
  15. kweimann

    What is this old tractor?

    Looks like the 1967 Custom 6 had the horizontal louvers so that's my guess!!
  16. kweimann

    What is this old tractor?

    Looks like a 1968 Sears Custom 7. Definitely a Sears Custom as it says it on top of the grille shell. Only difference is grill louvers are vertical versus the horizontal ones on yours.
  17. kweimann

    New to me Spirit of 76

    Had one of those 20 years ago, I remember Professor Chabot had an NOS White seat still wrapped in plastic! Tough little Lawn Tractors. It handled its own at Mow Day 2002. Man I need to get my Cubs running!!
  18. kweimann

    done with my cub cadet 1512

    Beautiful work!
  19. kweimann

    Unknown Part fell off Ultima zt1 54

    looks like part number 747-08130 (Left side) and 747-07690 (Right side) Hydro bypass rod. Would've never thought of that one myself.
  20. kweimann

    Unknown Part fell off Ultima zt1 54

    Belt guard for engine/PTO pulley?