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  1. F

    Archive through May 19, 2011

    Mike Frade (Mfrade) i assume these are the photos you are referring to? https://www.ihcubcadet.com/forum/messages/106/223877.html#POST171891
  2. F

    Archive through May 19, 2011

    PTO - I did make sure the pilot bearing was flush with the end of the crankshaft. I followed the instructions in th service manual. I am going to assume it is just new and needs to be broken in. Engine temp. sorry, forgot to mention, it was just worked hard when that temp was taken...
  3. F

    Archive through May 19, 2011

    does anyone know what the normal operating temperature is for the K301A in a 129? and what is too hot? I used an infrared thermometer and got 550F on top of the head at the cooling fins, and 650F on the side, next to the exhaust port.
  4. F

    Archive through May 19, 2011

    front PTO on a 129. I posted about having trouble adjusting the linkage on a PTO i just replaced, someone wondered if I did not set the PTO back far enough on the shaft. having never replaced one before, it is possible. here is a pic, does anyone think it should go back further?
  5. F

    Archive through May 18, 2011

    Allen Schumacher (Aschumacher) - PTO looks all the way back to me, but i have never replaced one before. i would think if it was not all the way back, you would not get those clips in. it is suppose to rain for like 11 of the next 10 years, but if it ever stops, and before the flood, i will...
  6. F

    Archive through May 18, 2011

    i am referring to transmission speed, not engine speed. tractor increases speed as if i moved the transmission lever further forward. It does sound like Charlie is correct. i will look into it it. as for the smoke, i just replaced the head gasket, maybe it is just the old leaked oil burning...
  7. F

    Archive through May 18, 2011

    just replaced the front PTO clutch and head gasket on my 129 and I have a few questions. I am getting smoke rising off the top of the head, out the oil dip stick and breather, i believe it is called, under the carb. not a lot, it is hard to see it. just wondering if that is a problem i...
  8. F

    Archive through April 21, 2011

    save myself from a migraine
  9. F

    Archive through April 21, 2011

    are you guys suggesting i can ditch these springs and save the migraine?
  10. F

    Archive through April 21, 2011

    front PTO clutch help on a 129. got the old PTO clutch off. problem with installation of rebuilt PTO clutch. Friction disk springs. Service manual shows the springs being installed like this, pic 1. which is impossible. I could install it like this, pic 2. but i...
  11. F

    Archive through January 28, 2011

    the never ending saga of trying to clear the snow from my driveway and the never ending saga of the never ending snowstorms. 129 would only remove the first foot of snow, ride over second foot, sink and get stuck. had to shovel in front of tractor to solid ground, to have a launching point...
  12. F

    Archive through January 27, 2011

    Scott Tanner - yes. it is bottomed out. which is what was throwing me. no place for the linkage to go. got it now. it is just really buried in a lot of snow.
  13. F

    Archive through January 27, 2011

    uh oh. might be time to feel stupid. while removing the lift rod i noticed the tractor is buried in the snow. rear tires dug a hole while front tires rode up on snow. which means if i back up... it is not that funny. i forgot it was sitting on 1' of old snow before i tried to move the 1'...
  14. F

    Archive through January 27, 2011

    i dont see how it can be the lift rod. but every time i disagree with you guys i wind up being proved wrong, so i will just shut up and go remove the rod.
  15. F

    Archive through January 27, 2011

    Charlie "Digger" Proctor (Cproctor) - i think you misunderstood. your advice seems to be for if the thrower is going too low, mine wont go low enough. lowest setting is 6" off the ground. linkage appears to be at max.
  16. F

    Archive through January 27, 2011

    ignore the cargo straps and missing hood. i told it was a Frankenstein monster. wait until you see where the hood is. but, that is another post. so, is it the right thrower, is it hooked up correctly, is the cam stop correct ?