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IH Cub Cadet Forum

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  1. P

    Pull Type Sickle Bar Mower

    At my age I can no longer do the weedeating I used to do and it's harder and harder to find someone to pay to do it. So, I started working on a method to mow the bank of our dam. I tried using a belly mount Haban, but it always pulled the front end around towards the lake (water!!) no matter...
  2. P

    Thresherman Park 2019

    I'll post pictures here for the local show. I assume this is more appropriate than the Main Forum. It looks a little suspicious, but my camera battery really did go dead just as I was finishing taking pictures of my stuff and before I could get pictures of everyone else. By tomorrow most...
  3. P

    Lawn & Garden Tractor Extravaganza

    I took my mini-H and plow to the Extravaganza this morning. I'm set up with L&GT magazine crew in the Machinery Shed. If you're there, stop by and say hello. The show is June 7, 8, and 9 but most pull out Saturday afternoon. Not much left for Sunday.
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    Early Christmas Present

    My wife bought me a Sweepster Broom for an early Christmas present. I got the frame mounted on my 126, but I think I'm missing a couple pulleys. Anyone out there have any literature, manuals, knowledge or pictures that they're willing to share to help me out. Unless someone else...
  5. P

    Archive through May 20, 2017

    Brian, if I read your post correctly, you're going at this from the wrong end. You need to assemble the top plate and lower plate before you compress the spring. Then you need some sort of spring compressor. Here's what I use. Hope it helps.
  6. P

    Gannon Earthcavator

    I own a Gannon Earthcavator that was originally manufactured to mount to a Simplicity garden tractor. The mount looks a lot like a Cub Cadet mount, but is narrower and maybe shorter. I’ve removed the original mount and plan to replace it with the appropriate mount for a Cub Cadet...
  7. P

    Stretched Cub Cadet

    Several years ago I built my wife a stretched Cub Cadet to use for gardening and yard work. She didn’t particularly care for the hydrostatic drive. And, because our place is pretty hilly, she really didn’t like parking it. She’d been after me to redo it as a gear drive for several years, and...
  8. P

    E-Z Rake Dethatcher

    We’ve been looking for a front-mounted E-Z Rake Dethatcher for some time. We really wanted one that drives off the Cub Cadet’s front PTO, but this one will have to do until we can find a sale or trade for a front PTO model. There’s a video of it in use here.
  9. P

    2016 Lawn & Garden Tractor Extravaganza

    The 2016 L&GT Extravaganza will be June 10, 11, and 12 at the Fairgrounds in Evansville, IN. (L&GT is one of the sponsors of this site. See the colorful boxes above.) There will be exhibitors and vendors from throughout the Midwest, as well as from as far away as Texas, Michigan and New York. If...
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    2015 L&GT Extravaganza

    The 2015 L&GT Extravaganza will be June 11, 12, and 13 at the Fairgrounds in Evansville, IN. (L&GT is one of the sponsors of this site. See the colorful boxes above.) There will be exhibitors from throughout the Midwest, as well as from as far away as Texas. If you can attend I’m sure you’ll...
  11. P

    Model H-900 Groundsaw

    A fellow contacted me through my website wanting to sell a NOS H-900 groundsaw. It was manufactured in 1968 and had never been used or mounted on a tractor. I purchased it from him, and he had it shipped to me by Fastenal. And as a plug for Fastenal, it was shipped from Washington state to...
  12. P

    Archive through April 10, 2014

    Model 107 Cub Cadet roller for sale. I kept it with the intention of restoring, but have decided I'd rather put my efforts into gear drive machines. It's been stored in my barn for the last 15 years. Everything worked when I pulled the engine and put it in storage. The left rear tire...
  13. P

    Request for pictures

    Guys, Kate Goetzhauser, Managing Editor of Lawn and Garden Tractor magazine, is publishing an article in the Jan./Feb. issue on rear mounted tillers for Cub Cadets. She has the article and several low resolution pictures. But for the magazine, she needs high resolution pictures. If you can...
  14. P

    2013 L&GT Extravangaza

    The 2013 L&GT Extravaganza will be June 7, 8, and 9 at the Fairgrounds in Evansville, IN. (L&GT is one of the sponsors of this site. See the colorful boxes above.) There were 450 lawn and garden tractors at last years show, and they’re hoping for more this year. Besides exhibitors from...
  15. P

    Thoughts on a Bead Blaster

    A buddy of mine is thinking about purchasing a bead blaster and asked my opinion. I know absolutely nothing about them, but told him I'd check with the collective wisdom here and across the street. He's looking at purchasing a 100# outfit from Eastwood (does 80 grit glass beads). Anyone have any...
  16. P

    Model 750 Groundsaw

    A gentlemen, Dan, ran across my Cub Cadet website and saw the pictures of my groundsaw. He contacted me about one he owns. He has a Model 750 which is completely self contained. It is powered by a 6 ½ hp Kohler and uses a winch to provide the forward motion. It’s a really neat outfit...
  17. P

    Archive through June 10, 2012

    The LAGT Extravaganza was a huge success. They had a goal of 500 lawn and garden tractors and 475 showed up. There was a bunch of “standard” Cub Cadets there as well as a bunch of customized. In addition to an assortment of JD’s, WH’s , etc. there were several lesser known models such as Hahn...
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    CNC conversion

    This is probably something most of you wouldn't be interested in, but I converted a table top mill to CNC to do a lot of my custom work on Cub Cadets. It's too long to put here, but if you're interested I have it under the Special Projects section of cubcadetman.com. It has to be one of the...
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    Archive through December 30, 2008

    Mike F., I tried to email you some time ago and wish you well with your health problems but I couldn't get the email in your profile to work. Sounds like you're doing ok.
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    Archive through October 17, 2008

    Someone smarter then me has probably figured this out and posted before, but today I had to replace the rear spiral drive pin in my Model 70 that has the loader on it. Because the loader frame was in the way I had to do most of the replacement through the creeper slot. I pushed a 1/4" wooden...