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IH Cub Cadet Forum

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  1. F


    Not exactly a part, but part of the history of International Harvester. I've decided that it's time to sell my paperback copy of "A CORPORATE TRAGEDY" (The Agony of International Harvester Company) by Barbara Marsh. It's quite a story, and reads more like a novel than a book that has been used...
  2. F

    Cub Cadet 125's - the beginning of Perfection :)

    4 125's for sale. 2 run, 2 I've never tried to start. 3 have mower decks.
  3. F

    Cub Cadet XT3 GTX

    Age has caught up to me, as it has to a lot of the pre-1981 Cub Cadets. We sold Lucy, our 7275, back to the dealer that we got her from 17 years ago. She'd done her job and did it well, except for issues with the front 4WD axle/bearings. Then we got this (from the same dealer).
  4. F

    Archive through June 09, 2018

    Welcome, Keith S. Your seat pic got eaten by The Archive Bug. It does that to the last pic on each page. Most of us have met it - even the owner of the forum! Did you find a creeper gear for your 122?
  5. F

    Archive through January 27, 2018

    I turned the page, but the last link I shared is a GOOD one!
  6. F


    What a use for a ROPS: http://bangordailynews.com/2018/01/24/news/aroostook/workers-pull-submerged-tractor-out-of-eagle-lake/
  7. F

    Archive through January 10, 2018

    Mike C. : Welcome! I'm thinking you have a dilemma. Your Dad's 70 (built 1963 - 1965) has a sentiment. It also evidently has a plow blade and a broken connecting rod. What to do? You found a good Forum to help you make your decision.
  8. F

    Archive through December 20, 2017

    Charlie: Bent, maybe, not broke: Actually, I'm seeing The forum picking up pace - but I digress. Before it works again, the 682 needs a head gasket - I like this machine and will be paying more attention to it in 2018. I like the 1811, too. I really like the looks of Charlie's black 82...
  9. F

    Archive through December 04, 2017

    Michael: Some info I've had bookmarked: https://www.thomasnet.com/articles/hardware/head-stud-bolts
  10. F

    Archive through November 30, 2017

    Ha, Ha, Mr. Archive Bug! Looks like Cub Cadet Yellow to me!
  11. F


    Fancy the Cub Cadet Kitty left us this morning. May 8, 2002 - November 18, 2017. RIP, Fancy.
  12. F

    Archive through November 14, 2017

    Now and then I get a chance to swat the Archive Bug. This is one of those times.
  13. F

    Don T.

    After nearly 10.5 years and 6,580 posts, a lot of us know Don Tanner. Right now he could use some encouragement so if anyone would like to send him a "Thinking of You" card of some sort his address is Donald Tanner, 54 Old Trunk 3, Hebbs Cross, Nova Scotia, Canada, B4V 0Z4.
  14. F

    Archive through May 18, 2016

    By Charlie Proctor (Cproctor) on Wednesday, May 18, 2016 - 05:13 pm: So the forums info email address gets this email! On 5/18/2016 3:54 PM, Charles Oakleaf wrote: > > Hi I'm Charles. I have bought a new starter in selonid in it will not turn over still Should I tell him to check...
  15. F

    Scrappy came, Shadow went

    We had to lay our Shadow to rest because of a fast moving cancer in her left hip. Some of the grief has been displaced by Scrappy, who came to live with us about 6 weeks before Shad crossed the Rainbow Bridge. I think that if I ever get another "pet" it will be a tortoise or a parrot -...
  16. F

    Cub Cadet 2160 w/ 16hp Briggs V Twin

    The upper bolt that holds this starter is being a PITA. Anyone here run into this problem and found a way to solve it? This is the first step in trying to get this $200 "treasure" back into mowing condition. It's that or part it out and I'm not ready for that, yet.
  17. F

    Archive through January 14, 2015

    Doug: I caught that. Also, it's safe to post pics for awhile again.
  18. F

    Archive through December 30, 2014

    Seat springs on a narrow frame:
  19. F

    Archive through November 24, 2014
