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IH Cub Cadet Forum

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  1. J

    Archive through February 02, 2009

    Here a some photos of the clutch that has me stymied. They aren't the best quality,but I was hoping somebody might see something. At this point I had deliberately loosened the pressure on the spring trying to get it to release without success. In the last two photos I positioned the old friction...
  2. J

    Archive through January 31, 2009

    Kendell thanks. At this point. I have hardly any slipping at all. I really have to hold the generater belt and try hard to turn the front of the clutch. I keep comparing it to my mod 70 clutch rebuild and how freely it spun after a rebuild. The last time I assembled it I tried in desperation to...
  3. J

    Archive through January 30, 2009

    Guys I am still fighting with my front PTO clutch on my 125. No matter what I do or what adjustments I make it refuses to release enough to stop my snow thrower spinning. A number of years ago I rebuilt a mod 70 front PTO and it worked great first try. I did manage to warm my 125 up then...
  4. J

    Archive through January 19, 2009

    No broken fingers on the clutch. I just compared my model 70 PTO clutch with my 125 and on the 70 the friction disk lugs are just deep enought that they are inside the cups. When I seated the 125 clutch the friction disk lugs were in further. Maybe I should just tap the clutch on until the lugs...
  5. J

    Archive through January 19, 2009

    Steve I thought I tried that. Also tried adjusting the rod so that I had just a small gap when the clutch was ingaged. I have pulled it apart (I could hear those little rattle springs laughing knowing they were going to get another shot at me). The bearing on the shaft is ok not pushed back...
  6. J

    Archive through January 18, 2009

    Thanks guys I am pulling it apart right now. I am thinking I should check to see it that bearing might have slid back a little on the shaft while I was tapping with my rubber mallet. I hate installing those rattle springs must have dropped them 10 times before I could get all three in at the...
  7. J

    Archive through January 18, 2009

    As an after thought When I reinstalled the front PTO I installed on the old bearing. I tapped the PTO assembly gently it with a rubber mallet while rotating it to seat it all the way. Might it be possibly seated to far back and bottoming out at the of the PTO assembly maybe I should try to pull...
  8. J

    Archive through January 18, 2009

    He guys I rebuilt my front PTO on my Model 125 and reinstalled it. After I adjusted the hand lever I noticed that as I spun the front section of the PTO there was a little drag on the clutch. I imagined it was because it was a new fiction disk and with the snow thrower installed it would be ok...
  9. J

    Archive through January 12, 2009

    Kraig Mc. and Dennis F. Thanks for the reply. The broken friction disk is worn down quite a bit and I imagine that's why it let go. I haven't paid much attention in the past to checking if I had any missing lugs, but I will now. I know that I am was very fortunate to have all the set screws back...
  10. J

    Archive through January 11, 2009

    Guys I've got a question about Front PTO clutches. This weekend my clutch gave up the ghost on my model 125. So tonight I braced myself for a fight getting the assembly of the shaft in 15 degree weather. To my surprise all the set screws backed right out. One hole was tapped oversize by a...
  11. J

    Hydraulic floor jack help

    Allen he told me that he did not back the release valve all the way out. He first turned the jack upside down and was pumping the handle to see it it would lift itself (it did). At that point I saw wht he was doing and told him not to use it upside down. He put the jack rightside up and opened...
  12. J

    Archive through November 18, 2008

    Charlie I haven't done the neutral adjustment just yet. It is very close in that when I step on the brake it comes very very close to the neutral indicator on the dash and the tractor stops moving. Would that help with the speed being harder to move?
  13. J

    Archive through November 18, 2008

    Charlie are you going to be running a saw mill now too?
  14. J

    Hydraulic floor jack help

    Allen thanks I have already visited their site and downloaded the instructions. I followed the method for purging any air (if that's what my problem is) without any luck.
  15. J

    Archive through November 18, 2008

    Just finished reassembling my 125 this afternoon. I had the trunion bracket welded and installed new springs and guides. I put a little grease on the pivot points for the damper spring plate and speed control. They both moved freely. I changed the transmission fluid and installed a new filter...
  16. J

    Hydraulic floor jack help

    I've got a 2 1/4 ton Sears hydraulic floor jack. I've had it for a while and first used it to hold up the transmission on my 125 cub as I split the tractor. I am all done: new driveshaft with new front and rear couplers, trunion bracket repairn new grass screen on the motor etc. Last evening...
  17. J

    Archive through November 11, 2008

    Aatay thanks for the info and links. I wiped it down tonight I'll check it tomorrow with the paper towel.
  18. J

    Archive through November 10, 2008

    Trying to get the 125 back in service. I finally got the trunion arm welded and installed new springs and guides(sponser parts) . Found the flex disk showing it age, so that's on the way from a sponser along with a hydro filter and a rear transmission gasket. The coupling arm pin hole was...
  19. J

    Archive through July 17, 2008

    Kraig\Matt Thanks one less thing to worry about.
  20. J

    Archive through July 17, 2008

    Correcting my 125 Creeping hydro problem. While apart and fixing the other issues I noticed that the Nylon bushing (part #8 on lookup) that sits inside the Speed Control asembly is split. Is mine broken or do they come that way? Just wanted to fix what I could while eveything is apart. Thanks...