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  1. F

    Archive through January 12, 2011

    yes, i am speaking of part 27. i considered the torch, just wondering if there was another way.
  2. F

    Archive through January 12, 2011

    rockshaft assembly on the 128. i posted here several days ago asking how to get the rockshaft assembly out of the tractor, as there was not enough clearance. at the time, i could not understand what everyone was saying about removing the bushing, because at that time i was unable to go look at...
  3. F

    Archive through January 09, 2011

    oops. looks like operator error. I just checked the parts book again, it calls it a bushing, not a sleeve. I got it now, the part on the shaft is not what you are talking about, there is still a bushing in the left side frame. for some reason, I had it in my head everyone was talking about...
  4. F

    Archive through January 09, 2011

    Dennis Frisk (Dfrisk) - hold everything. are we talking sleeve or bushing? to me, a bushing would be thicker and would stay in the frame, probably need a puller to get it out and be thick like a bearing. if you are talking about pulling a bushing from the left side frame, then slide the...
  5. F

    Archive through January 09, 2011

    Wayne Shytle (Wshytle) - i dont want to sound like i am arguing, i cant work on the tractor right now so i cant try these suggestions.but the sleeve, unless I am mistaken, and again, i cant go look at it right now, came off with the shaft. when i pulled the shaft out of the left side of the...
  6. F

    Archive through January 08, 2011

    Donald Tanner - ok. i will take everyone's advice. thanks everyone.
  7. F

    Archive through January 08, 2011

    everyone, thanks for the advice. but i still dont see how removing the sleeve, or the front will help. but, i will try it. the sleeve looks flush with the end of the shaft. so i wont gain anything. it looks like if i remove the front, the front frame will still be in the way. this comes...
  8. F

    Archive through January 08, 2011

    Donald Tanner - I dont see how that would work. maybe I did not explain the problem clearly enough. here is a video of the part diagram. this is the part i am trying to remove. also, it is on the 128. I have both the 128 and 129. sometimes i get confused. part number 12. circled in red. I...
  9. F

    Archive through January 08, 2011

    anyone know how to remove the rockshaft assembly, PTO clutch, on a 129? part # 12 in the parts manual. IH544137-R91. it runs horizontal, between the left and right side of the frame. the bar the wear button attaches to, attaches to this bar. I removed both cotter pins, can slide either end...
  10. F

    Archive through October 28, 2010

    thanks for the exhaust valve advice. I have never rebuilt an engine, but I did not think replacing just the exhaust valve was a good idea. I will try just the valve before I send it out for rebuild. realistically, i will probably just use the engine from the 129 I just bought. lot cheaper then a...
  11. F

    Archive through October 28, 2010

    sticky exhaust valve on a 128, K301A. tried auto lite spark plug in my 128 with the stalling problem, still stalls. a sticky exhaust valve has been suggested many times. engine hot tanked cleaned and valves reseated after I bought it. I have been adding MMO to the gas. assuming it is a...
  12. F

    Archive through October 14, 2010

    plug gap. i guess i will experiment with different gaps and different plugs.
  13. F

    Archive through October 14, 2010

    matt hunt (Mahunt) - the only reason why i do not think it is the exhaust is because the engine was hot tank cleaned and valves reseated when i bought it a year ago. but, i could be wrong and you are not the first to suggest it. also, it only stalls when hot at full throttle and under a load...
  14. F

    Archive through October 14, 2010

    spark plug gap for a K301A. battery ignition. Kohler engine service manual says .035. .025 is for magneto ignitions. if you are certain it is .025, can you tell me which manual you are reading this? maybe I have the wrong one.
  15. F

    Archive through October 14, 2010

    i will keep a large supply of spares on hand, and try different brands. just wondering if anyone thought it might be the tractor, not the plugs.
  16. F

    Archive through October 14, 2010

    if you guys can possibly stand another question about my 128 with a stalling problem, can something cause a spark plug to fail very quickly? something that cleaning the plug wont cure? 128, K301A. stalls when hot and under load. spark plug is a year old, very low hours as i have worked on the...
  17. F

    Archive through October 14, 2010

    K301A. spark plug gap. service manual says .035 for my engine, battery ignition, but it also says .018 for "gas fueled" engines. do they mean gas as in natural gas, not gasoline? is .035 the correct gap?
  18. F

    Archive through September 19, 2010

    "No, the clutch is engaged when the center button is not depressed. That way, no wear is occurring when the clutch is in use. The clutch is disengaged by depressing the center button." so if you remove the PTO linkage, your mower deck would be always on, no way to shut it off? I thought it...
  19. F

    Archive through September 16, 2010

    Donald Tanner (Dtanner) is my new hero. thanks. I am sure I will be back with more stupid questions before I am done. but, in my own defense, shouldn't the clutch be free spinning when the button is not pressed? if the linkage is removed, shouldn't the clutch be free?
  20. F

    Archive through September 16, 2010

    129 front PTO clutch removal. manual, no brake. service manual says "...align the set screw holes with the notches in the crankshaft pulley." my entire clutch turns with the crankshaft. clutch is frozen, I assume. I cant align the holes. any ideas on plan B? I am thinking of dissembling...