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  1. F

    Archive through December 02, 2009

    my 128 with the stalling problem. i think it is fixed! i said, I THINK IT IS FIXED!!! of course, it could just be toying with me. you know how evil these tractor are. I patched the muffler leak with JB WELD. removed the non stock in line gas filter. it just ran for an hour, no...
  2. F

    Archive through November 15, 2009

    thanks for the ohm meter advice. guess i will buy a another one for lower Ohm's. thanks for the muffler patch suggestion, i will try that next.
  3. F

    Archive through November 13, 2009

    it is not a multi meter. i can post a pic if you like, but i thought ohm's meters were ohm's meters , so it should not make a difference. it is a multi diagnostic engine analyzer for a car. about 30 years old. checks, dwell, tach, volts, ohm's,amps. i think that is everything. i can...
  4. F

    Archive through November 13, 2009

    12v aux light reads zero too. guess that means the meter and the coil, is ok. exhaust leak is next, i guess. not tonight, but it is next.
  5. F

    Archive through November 13, 2009

    no head lights. i do have a 12v aux light for the truck. could try that.
  6. F

    Archive through November 13, 2009

    old coil gives the same zero reading on the + and - terminals. it was stalling on the old coil too, i suppose they could both be bad. anyway to test the meter? does anything else have a known resistance of 4 - 8 ohms?
  7. F

    Archive through November 13, 2009

    just tested the coil. + and tower 9,000 ground to +, - and tower no reading. + to - zero. meaning, i have a dial type ohm meter. needle starts at 500,000 and goes to zero. i have less then 4 ohms. does this mean i have a defective coil? I am going to test the old coil to...
  8. F

    Archive through November 13, 2009

    Frank A. Currier(Northern Maine) (Fcurrier) - thanks for the coil test pic. i will see if i can do that now. we are having hurricane strength rain right now. tractor is in a shed, but the rain is coming down sideways.
  9. F

    Archive through November 13, 2009

    here is the exhaust leak. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UriS-6rMozw any suggestions on an easy fix? i really think if i touch anything, it is going to break. anyone know of a cement like repair compound, that works? i have the cutting torches and an air wrench, so removal would be easy...
  10. F

    Archive through November 13, 2009

    Richard Palmer (Rpalmer) yes, i could just fix the exhaust leak, but i thought i had a problem with the timing . I did not expect to see the timing light skip like that. I do not see the exhaust leak as an easy fix, it is probably the original exhaust so i will probably be better off...
  11. F

    Archive through November 13, 2009

    Ryan D Wilke (Rwilke) slow down a little. i know how to use an ohm meter, and i have one, but what is the difference between primary and secondary windings? ohm meter to positive and negative terminals, and ohm meter to high voltage terminal and ground? coil has not been tested .
  12. F

    Archive through November 13, 2009

    Wayne Shytle (Wshytle) i do not have another coil. well, not really. the one it came with, the last owner broke one of the terminal studs and just soldered the wire to it, sort of. one of those repairs that works, until you touch it. or hit a bump. i will have to check to see if i can get it...
  13. F

    Archive through November 13, 2009

    Paul Bell (Pbell)- it would be a waste of everybody's time for me to argue the in line filter issue. while i disagree with you and everybody else, i will remove the filter and keep it off until this problem is resolved. that way, we can cross at least one possible cause off the list.
  14. F

    Archive through November 13, 2009

    Allen Schumacher (Aschumacher) - movable part of the point is free. timing light was about 100.00, forget model. but i would say it is at the higher end of the scale. engine sounds. forgot to mention i noticed the same thing. erratic points or timing light should cause erratic engine R's...
  15. F

    Archive through November 13, 2009

    here are the videos of the timing light, aimed at the wall, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V94cFHAALXo and the points. total darkness, all you see is the spark from the points. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5opovyF_evY the pauses that you see in both videos are the way they look in...
  16. F

    Archive through November 13, 2009

    my 128 with the stalling problem. still stalling when hot. now it stalls when warm. still will not start for a minute or two after stalling. this time, when i held the timing light on for a minute, i noticed the timing light skips a flash or two. it is not a steady strobe. and, the timing...
  17. F

    Archive through November 05, 2009

    my 128 with the stalling, then not starting problem. cleaned carb, it started. i guess it was gummy gas from sitting. not trying to restart the " if i do not run it dry every time the gas gets gummy " debate, just saying this has happened to me before and i believe it just happened again...
  18. F

    Archive through November 05, 2009

    i cleaned the carb on my 128, now i am trying to put it back together and would like to check an exploded drawing to make sure i got it right, but can not find one. it is the walbro WHG series. factory replacement for the K301. anyone know where i can find an exploded parts pic?
  19. F

    Archive through November 04, 2009

    in trying to find info on line to support my mechanic friend's claim, i found this, http://www.teamrsm.com/files/Ethanol_dos_and_donts.pdf which does not say the oil companies are adding water, but does discuss the ethanol absorbing water and the water and ethanol destroying stored engines.
  20. F

    Archive through November 04, 2009

    spoke to the retired dodge mechanic that started the bad gas discussion, here is what he said, they are adding water and alcohol to regular gasoline to meet EPA requirements. the alcohol bonds to the gas, water bonds to the alcohol. bonding meaning the water will not separate like free water...