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IH Cub Cadet Forum

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  1. kweimann

    Archive through September 28, 2003

    Art, Too bad they don't rent those, I'd have one going this weekend, the moles have taken over my back yard, It's like hitting potholes while you mow! Kenny
  2. kweimann

    IH Cub Cadet Pulling and Hot Rodding

    Thanks for the response Don. A couple more if you don't mind: I looked through the TC157 and noticed the same cam called out for all (4) AQS engines, 10hp through 16. The ACR tab on my 16 is broken. Can I just throw in a 10 hp cam? I thought they might be diferent grinds. Is it worth it...
  3. kweimann

    Archive through September 28, 2003

    Add to previous post, NOT slit, just slid over the tabs. Kenny
  4. kweimann

    Archive through September 28, 2003

    Steve, Not to sound cynical, but I use 2 pcs. of 3/4 heater hose on my 6/7's. Kenny
  5. kweimann

    IH Cub Cadet Pulling and Hot Rodding

    Don, I know a #26 carb is incorrect for a K341, but if I run it rich, will it still be too lean? I have to find a #30 but would like to have the engine running for this weekend's show. what do you think? Thanks, Kenny.
  6. kweimann

    IH Cub Cadet Pulling and Hot Rodding

    Don, I picked up a K341 from Colin Brown this weekend, gonna make a 1600 out of my 1000. It was a shortblock so no flywheel. Can I use my 10HP AQS ring gear flywheel or is it a different one for the 16? Thanks, Kenny.
  7. kweimann

    Archive through September 28, 2003

    Here is the link for the Colchester Ct. show this coming weekend at Zagray Farm. http://www.qvea.org/qveashow.htm Hope to see a bunch of cubs there. Kenny
  8. kweimann

    IH Cub Cadet Pulling and Hot Rodding

    James, It is the line closest to the crank gear. the other is for timing the balance gears. Kenny
  9. kweimann

    IH Cub Cadet Pulling and Hot Rodding

    Dustin, I remember reading on the forum a while back that if you grind down the thickness of the swashplate in the hydro, thereby increasing the stroke of the pistons, it will make it go faster. But I also remember Bryan or someone saying it is a short lived modification and won't hold up for...
  10. kweimann

    IH Cub Cadet Pulling and Hot Rodding

    Don, Re: Kohler Valve Springs. I'm buttoning up a K301 out of a 112 Green machine and noticed that the valve springs were very weak. Upon further investigation, I noticed that these springs were about 1 coil shorter than all the rest I had in my arsenal. Then I figured it was due to them...