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IH Cub Cadet Forum

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  1. M

    How many different models of international Cub cadets word they

    TractorData dot com has a list of Cub Cadets. If you poke around in there you can get a sense of the model progression; not exhaustive but another peek in the mire. For a while in the '80s there were red ones and yellow/white ones that were identical but used different model numbers.
  2. M

    Belt size needed.

    Very likely a mouse nest in the flywheel housing.
  3. M

    Help with identifying

    Definitely a frankenstein. Could be a 1211 that someone put red panels on. Or a 680/1282 maybe? 🤷‍♂️
  4. M

    Cub Cadet Loader/Backhoe model 7205

    Actually the good folks at Messicks would probably be willing to measure one for you. Give them a call.
  5. M

    Cub Cadet Loader/Backhoe model 7205

    Just looked up the IH/Case IH part number. 1273118-C1 glow plug was used in all of the compact diesels (234, 244, 254, 235, 245, 255). Messicks has one in stock. It might be worth giving it a shot.
  6. M

    Cub Cadet Loader/Backhoe model 7205

    If that doesn’t work out you might want to try a Case-IH dealer. They used the Mitsu for their compact tractors for a number of years.
  7. M

    late 50's model for sale

    That’s a really nice Cub, wish I was closer. Not a Cub Cadet so you’ll have better luck on a Farmall Cub forum.
  8. M

    982 Onan engine

    I would do some research to see if a Kohler Command would fit. For a donor there are 2000 series with this engine going for cheap on the used market.
  9. M

    Its alive!

    Sounds good. Make sure to get the shroud over the head before you work it too hard. The head can warp if it doesn't get good airflow over it.
  10. M

    149 making rattle sound especially on shut down.

    I’d look at the driveshaft where the roll pin is driven by the plate on the flywheel.